Chapter 18

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Sorry everyone about no chapter yesterday, I was at a bon fire with some old friends for a last hiatus together

Sophia is 2 months old

Alex's POV:

Sophia is such a energetic 2 month old baby it's almost a dream.

She is really starting to look more and like me, but I can see Kelley in her.

Her eyes are just beautiful, almost a ocean blue.

"How's the little princess doing?" Kelley says while walking into Sophia room with Quinn behind her

"For being only 2 months, she's doing great" I say

It's January now and we celebrated the new year together instead of going out

"That's great, oh before I forgot our teammates from club teams want to have dinner together, Mexican or Italian?" Kelley says while typing on her phone

"Hmm, I'm cool with Mexican food" I say while getting Sophia dressed

"Great, I'll let them all know" Kelley says while walking out of the room

"Sophia you have so many aunties who love you to death" I say while ticking her

I got a slight giggle from her, her smile reminded me of Kelley and all I could do was look at her in awe

"You and momma are going to partners in crime when you are older aren't you? Pulling all the pranks on our teammates" I say in a baby voice

Later that day

"Hey Alex, we're heading to lunch in town, ready?" Kelley says while holding Sophia's car seat in her hand

"Yea, what are we eating?"" I say while putting a jacket on

"Pizza!" Kelley says

"Great, and when are we going to dinner with teammates?" I say

"6:30, now let's go"

At lunch

Kelley's POV:

"So babe when do you think you will want to come back to the national team?" I say

"Few more months, maybe when Sophia's 8 months, I'm still trying to get back in shape" Alex says while eating her salad

"When Sophia comes with us to the national team with Cassius it's going to be nuts" I say laughing

"Oh don't remind me... two babies crawling around the locker room..." Alex says

"Trust me, she will be fine with a one of our family members watching her, Erin said she would love to fly out here and watch her for us" I say

"I'm just worried about her... I don't want her that get fussy when we're gone Kelley" Alex says

"She will have to learn, all babies have to learn their parents can't be by them every second of the day, I'm sure Sophia will love hanging out with Erin" I say while eating some pizza

"I'm just worried babe, I don't want anything to happen to us and Sophia wouldn't have us as par"

"Babe, nothing will happen to us, I promise you I will make sure you two are safe from any danger, nothing will happen to our family, our family is not going to get destroyed from death, health issues or anything, I can promise you that" I say

"Ok babe..."

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