Chapter 12

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Kelley's POV:

"Jill, I can't tell them right now, nor do I want my daughter being harassed by reporters" I say in a angry tone

"Well Kelley, you might want to tell them sooner rather later, they will find out who she is..." Jill says

"You guys don't think I know that?! I also have to worry about me and Alex's Unborn child! I don't want the media knowing her name or what she looks like for a while but Alex doesn't really care." I yell

"I'm not going to argue with you Kelley, do whatever you want" Jill says I'm a defeated tone of voice

Alex's POV

After listening in on the uswnt media day and heard what Kelley said, I really though on telling the reporters more on our child and said to myself that if Kelley doesn't want the media to know what our child's name is or have the media take pictures then I'll respect her wishes.

*phone rings*

"Hey Alex we got some over the phone interviews if you want to do them?" Says my agent

"That's fine" I say

"Great, ESPN will first call you in a hour or so, talk to you later"

"Ok, thanks, bye Matt" I say

About one hour later

*phone rings*

"Hello" I say

"Hey Alex! This is Jessica with ESPN for the interview"

"Oh hi yes, you can start asking questions" I say politely

"Our first question is that we heard you and your wife Kelley are having a baby congratulations by the way" Says Jessica

"Thank you" I say before she asks the question

"The question is what is your daughters name going to be, we heard from Kelley earlier yesterday the initials we're SP, care to tell us her name by any chance?"

"Her full initials is actually SPOM or SPMO depending on how we do our last name now, but no comment on her name, we would like to keep that private from lives at the moment" I say

"Ah ok, that's fine, we heard you are about 4 months pregnant right now correct?"

"Yep, today is 4 months" I say

"Our question is do you two plan to have anymore children after this one?" Jessica says

"Possibly, we both agreed before hand that after this baby it would Kelley be next to have our next child"

"Oh about Kelley, is their reason why she been very disgruntled when talking about the attack from college? Is she kidding something from reporters?" Jessica says

"No comment" I say with slight annoyance

"Well that's all the questions we have for you now, thank you Alex"

end of phone call

Kelley's POV

it was the end of camp and I finally get to head back to Utah to see Alex

I was listening to her radio interview with ESPN and was amazed she actually decided not to tell reporters our daughters name, ya some reporters are kinda getting annoyed but it's no of their business to intrude in our personal lives.

Back in Utah

Alex was picking me up from the Airport and once I saw her, her stomach had gotten bigger then before

"Hey babe, this little princess didn't cause any problems right?" I say before kneeling down to her stomach and kissing it

"Can't wait to meet you Sophia Paige" I whisper so reporters near by can't hear

As soon as we exit the doors to the entrance of the airport, cameramen and reporters start swarming us screaming questions like "Kelley, why didn't you say you had a kid before?!"

"Is the babies name Savannah!!" Says On reporter

But what really pissed me off was "I hope you enjoyed that rape Kelley!" Says some person in the mix of cameraman and reporters

As soon as I see who said it I walked up to the douche bag and say "what did you just say?!"

The young man smirks and says "I hope you enjoyed that rape earlier"

My blood was boiling and I socked the dude right in the face and screamed "NEVER say anything like that again douche bag!"

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