Chapter 28

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This is a flashback POV for Alex in 2012 during the olympics, this chapter will help better understand why Carli was picked for Sophia

Alex's POV:

I was sitting at the balcony, me and Kelley we're 6 months into dating and decided to take a bit of a break, during the olympics I was rooming with Carli.

All I could think about is what happened with Servando with our breakup, yea probably all my teammates wanted to kill him for cheating on me during the olympics.

I seriously though we we're the perfect couple for each other but his true self came out while I was gone. News outlets we're all over him for being caught in video drinking at a club and kissing all over these other girls.

"Hey lex, can I come sit out here with you?" Carli says while leaning against the door frame

I turn around with my book in my hand and smile

"Yea sure" I say with no emotion

Carli slowly walks over to the other chair and sits, I can tell she wants to ask something but is hesitant

"What's wrong Alex? You aren't usually this quite, did Servan-"

"No, it's me and Kelley Carli, we are taking a break" I with tears forming in my eyes

I couldn't look at her, I felt this was all my fault with Kelley, just like what Servando said in our relationship, that I was distant

Carli takes a quick breathe and look at the ground and then turns to me

"Alex, I know after Servando you changed, Kelley is your forever wife, I don't care what the media says about you guys. Breaks are perfectly fine in relationships, I had to take breaks with people I dated before actually getting back together with me. I want you to understand that right now is just apart of your rollercoaster, you will have your amazing times in your life and those will be the highs in the roller coaster, then there will the lows that you think will never end, this is one of your lows in life for you, just know, the low you have right now will end and that high will begin. Promise me that with your future kids you will never let a low point in there life define who they are. Both you and Kelley deserve happiness, you both are mean't for each other" Carli says to me with so much mixed emotion

Now I couldn't stop crying

"Now go back a get your girl Alex" Carli says while patting me on the back

"Wait Carli" I say quickly

"Yes?" Carli says while turning around

"I want you to know even if it's not with Kelley, when I have kids, I want you to be my kids god parent, you really have done so much for me with mentoring me to be the player I am today, kids deserve to see how much you change people, I'll never forget this chat we had. You always are able to pick me up in my moments I think life won't get better, I want you to teach my kids later on life that giving up is not apart of the plan. You've made me want to go fix things with Kelley now"

Carli was just looking at me in disbelief

"I don't care what you say Carli, you will be the god parent of my kids and I swear to god if you give up on them when I'm gone I'll make sure to have my kids give you hell for it, remember this Carli Lloyd" I say while pointing at her

"You are able to do anything Carli and I swear I'll make sure my other teammates push you into line when you aren't doing what you know is right, Remember this Carli, I'm not, now if you will excuse me I got things to fix with Kelley" I say before leaving the room

I start walking straight for pinoe and Kelley's room and no one is stopping me

It's only 7:00 pm so I know those two are up

I knock profusely on the door

"What the hell, we are watc-" pinoe says before I push her out of the door way

"Kelley Maureen O'hara, you are coming with me even if you like it or not" I say before grabbing her by the arm and drag her out of the room

"Alex! Let go of me! I'm not-" Kelley says before I interrupt her

"Come on I need to talk to you" I say before dragging her by the arm to the roof of the building

"Alex you better have a good r-"

And then I Just kiss her, all these issues are little small things

"Why did you just do that?!"

I look over to skyline

"Kelley, I'm here to fix things, I'm tired of us arguing over petty little things, we are supposed to be enjoying our time together, planning our marriage and talking about future kids later down in life, I'm tired of hiding from this, I want us to let all this disappear, I wanted to come up here and see what you want us to be doing later on in life" I say

"Well obviously I want to start a family with you Alex, that's what I've always wanted, we've just never talked abou-"

"Do you remember our friend Evelyn Stewart who paired us together on a blind date in 2011? Remember how she always said we would be the perfect couple together" now I'm really starting to cry

I turn around to Kelley

"Remember that December 15th night when all three of us decided to go out to dinner for a last time before we would all go our separate ways? God Kelley, I still remember that night like it was yesterday, I can still smell that fresh rain coming down.... I remember the phone call we got from a random number" I say while looking at Kelley

"Alex you don't have-"

"That random number was the hospital calling to tell us Evelyn got in a car crash and she didn't make it, she was killed trying to text us she would be late, a drunk driver killed her Kelley! She would still be here with us if they scum wasn't on the street driving! And now we both have to live with our best friend being gone, do you think she would want to see us like this?! Remember what Eve told us the week before she was killed?" With tears all over my face

Kelley raises a eyebrow

"No?" Kelley says

I pull out my phone to my text messages and give the phone to Kelley

"Read that" I say with tears all over my face

"Hey Alex! Hey Kel! It's Evelyn! I know we all are going our separate ways in just a few more months, I know we are seeing each other next week as a last get together but I though I would leave you guys both something to remember our crazy college days. I left Alex with a small box, I hope she got it on time"

Kelley looks up at me

"I still have it, don't worry,"

Kelley nods and continues reading

"It's for the both of you to open on your wedding day, I hope you guys love it! And you two better get married or I'll show up to wherever you are and slap you silly!! See you next week Lex and Kel! I love you guys!"

"Wh- why didn't you ever show me this?" Kelley says with sadness in her eyes

"I wanted to wait till our wedding day since Eve said to wait till our wedding day, so Kelley will you please get back together with me for Eve and so we can open that package together?" I say

Kelley stays quiet for a few seconds and then nods

"Yes, Eve wouldn't want this from us" Kelley says

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