Chapter 22

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Carli's POV:

I couldn't believe it, they are gone...

How is this even possible, Alex and Kelley shouldn't have gotten smashed by a semi. The images of their car can't leave my head, it was almost like the Florida bridge collapse with the cars flat and unrecognizable.

I read all the tweets from twitter and other social media platforms, I couldn't look at anything else after Alex and Kelley's families released the statement.

I was thankful they didn't say who the godparents we're, I just can't handle the media jumping all over me. All I wanted to do was fly to Utah to see all them and see Sophia, she's only 8 months and her parents are dead.

I can't imagine what that little baby is going to deal with after this.

After speaking things over with Brian we decided to both fly out to Utah for a few weeks, yes this conflicted with NWSL games so that is why I decided to talk with coach and release a statement over twitter. After this would be released I knew reporters would figure it all out so me and Brian decided to leave as soon as possible.

My statement was a mix between a joint statement for me and Brian.

Dear, fans

Today I am releasing a statement due to a family crisis, this week has already been filled with complete shock for everyone and I know no one wants to hear this right now.

Before me and Brian get any phone calls for interviews as to what this may relate to we both decided to not keep secrets.

This leave does have to do with Alex and Kelley's death, we are leaving for a bit because Kelley and Alex decided to have me and Brian as Sophia's guardians if anything happens to them.

All we ask is that everyone respects our privacy at this time as we begin to heal and welcome Sophia to our family soon.

Sincerely, Carli Lloyd & Brian Hollins

In Utah

Once we landed in Utah I just wanted to go straight to Alex and Kelley's house, I don't even know what to expect, Sophia doesn't know what happened. She knows they haven't came back.

I don't even know how I'm going to do this.

This baby remembers them so well so I can't imagine what Kelley and Alex's family have been dealing with crying baby for the past two days.

Yes, Sophia has just been crying and screaming for the past two days. When Karen texted me saying all Sophia was screaming was "Mommy!!!" My heart broke for Sophia and everyone trying to help distract Sophia

At the house

When I got to the house it was almost nothing happened, I think everyone wanted to keep the house like Kelley and Alex left it in hopes Sophia would have remembrance of her parents and just to keep it like it was left before so Sophia wouldn't think of anything.

"Carli, thank god you came, Sophia has just been throwing tantrum after tantrum screaming "momma!!!!" "Mommy!!!!" Erin says

"It's so hard hiding the pain to a 8 month old, she senses somethings wrong, but you don't just say mommy and momma aren't coming back" Erin also says

"I'm so sorry for your guys lose" I say while hugging Erin

"I just can't be here anymore... I read the will Carli. We all read our letters and it's way to hard to read, they also left Sophia and you could a letter, good luck" Erin says before walking all with makeup all over face

I look over at Brian and wipe a tear from my eye

We walk farther into the house to be greeted by Alex and Kelley's parents

"Thanks you guys for coming out on such short notice, we really appreciate it" Karen says

"Anything for Alex and-"

"Mama?" Sophia says while crawling over from the living room area

I crouch down to Sophia level and say "Hey Sophia, How is my little god daughter doing?"  

"Mommy?" Sophia says now

"So sweetie, it's Carli" Dan says before picking her up from the ground

"Calri" Sophia says before leaning towards me with her arms to indicate she wants me to hold her

It was so hard to look at Sophia for even a minute because she looked so much like Alex

"Hey Sophia how would you like to stay with auntie Carli and uncle Brian's house for a bit"  I look up to Alex and Kelley's parents and they nod in approval

"Yea!!!" Sophia says while clapping her hands together

"Let's go get your stuff ready Soph for your sleepover" Pamela says while grabbing Sophia and going upstairs

"This is going to be way harder then I though..." I say t

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