Chapter 9

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Alex's POV:

Here is the thing, I don't know if we should bring Madison into our family, I don't want to hurt Kelley's feelings and all, I know it's her daughter but I'm just not sure.

I only said what I told her so she would feel I wasn't mad at her for the incident. Today I wanted to talk with her about for real, not just a quick conversation.

"Hey Kelley? Can we talk for a bit?" As she buts some of my belongings in my bag, "ya sure, what's up?"

"Look, I know I said I'm fine with Madison earlier but I think we should wait,  we've never met her, and we have a baby on the way"

Kelley puts some clothes on the bed and walks over to me, "whatever you want babe, I don't want to throw something at you that you aren't comfortable with"

"Thank you Kel, let's just wait till after this baby and then we can reconsider"

Kelley's POV:

Alex is about 1 month in to the pregnancy and we are finally back from the hospital after all stuff that happened.

"So babe, I've been thinking we should come up with some names for the baby" I say

"Well what kind of names do you have in mind?" Alex says while sitting on the couch

"Well I have four names, first is Louis William, Liam Henry for boys and for girls Mackenzie Rose and Sophia Paige?

"Oh I like Liam Henry and Sophia Paige!" Alex says energetically

"Well then it's set, Liam Henry or Sophia Paige" I say

"Kel, what do you thing if will be?" Alex says out loud, "well it would be cool to have a little boy in our family, but then again also a girl since we know more about girls haha"

"Ha very true, I honestly don't care as long as the baby is healthy" Alex says

Alex's POV:

"Who do you think we should have be the baby's god parents? I was thinking maybe Carli and her husband or Morgan and her husband" while we are eating our dinner, "I like both, but I'll let you decide Alex"

"You can say if you don't like them as options, who would you want? I say

"I like Lauren and her husband" Kelley says

"Hmm, I'll add it to the list, we don't have to decide now, we have 8 more months to figure that out" I say

Kelley chirps in and says "Yep, and we still need to start working on the nursery before the baby comes"

"We can hire someone to do it since we are so busy" I say

"No no no, Alex, I'll do it, I need something to do in this house before the national team has another camp" Kelley says trying to persuade me to let her do it

"I don't know... it would save us some money for us to do it ourselves."

"So you will let me do it?"' Kelley says enthusiastically

"No, I'm not saying that... I'll let you know later later" I say annoyed

"Fine... whatever you say babe" Kelley says

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