Chapter 19

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So I am possibly getting a job in 2 weeks so It will change the uploading schedule if I get the job, just so everyone knows.

Kelley's POV:

Sophia is still 2 months, almost 3 and it's been an amazing adventure with this little girl learning her personality and seeing her facial features change.

I can't wait to see what the future holds for her.

Me and Alex both know she will so great things in this world, we certainly do hope she will follow in our foot steps and play soccer or sports in general.

"Hey Kelley do you think we can bring Sophia to one of the upcoming national team games tonight? They are playing here in Utah, I think it would a nice little surprise to see them and bring her" Alex Says from our bedroom

I walk in with Sophia and see Alex putting some earrings on

"What about the media and photographers?" I say curiously

"I think we've hide from reporters for long enough, I'm fine with them getting pictures but if you aren't I understand" Alex says while fixing her hair in the mirror

"I'm fine with it, she loves getting her pictures taken anyway, right Sophia?" I say and then smiling at her

Sophia then starts smiling and her blue eyes are the one thing we all first look at

"Great, they play Canada tonight" Alex said enthusiastically

"Whose jersey should we have to wear Sophia? How about auntie Christen's?" Alex says while walking out of the room towards Sophia's room

"She has so many jerseys of all her aunties on club and national team they take up a whole two drawers in her dresser" I say

"And in a couple months she'll need new ones, because you little missy keep growing" Alex says while picking Sophia up from my arms and rocking her hips side to side.

"Be careful babe, I don't want her to throw up on you" I say

"Oh she's fine, right Soph?" Alex says

Sophia's outfit consisted of Christen's national team jersey, a white and blue head band, white leggings and some baby white Nike shoes we bought for her a while back.

"Aww now doesn't she look pretty! Sophia you are going to have so many photographers wanting your picture tonight, you'll be the huge news all over sports media by tomorrow" Alex says

"I can already see it, "Sophia Evelyn O'Hara Morgan and her parents make their first appearance after her birth" and reporters are going to swarm us about info on her" I say

"They song bug us in we are in the club box" Alex says

Later that night

Alex's POV:

It was about 5:00 when we decided to leave for the game, Sophia was wide awake playing with her toys attached to her car seat.

Kelley was driving while I was on my phone looking at pictures of the team coming off the bus

"I wonder if the media knows we are coming tonight" I say

"News spreads like a wild fire when the media hears a uswnt baby is coming" just be ready for photographers and reporters to invade our space..." Kelley says while pulling into the parking lot near the stadium

From the mirror of the house car me and Kelley could already see people running at are car with cameras

"Well here goes nothing..." I say

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