Chapter 14

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People have been contacting me on social media to hurry up the pregnancy so I guess I'm moving up 2 more months even though I had big plans for chapter 14.... BUT I got a idea to incorporate into this chapter that will piss y'all off big time and more then likely you all will hate me

Alex is 8 months pregnant now

Kelley's POV:

1 more month till baby Sophia is here!

Luckily these last two months have been great. Both me and Alex are eagerly waiting for Sophia's arrival, we are also both thinking she will be her appearance on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day

It's also funny because way before we decided to have a baby we though Eve or Evelyn Winter would be a good name.

"Can you believe it babe, one more month!" Alex says while we are walking around the park with Quinn

"I can't believe it, I can't wait to meet her, I hope she comes on Christmas" I say while smiling

"Remember how we though Evelyn Winters was a good name?" Alex says out of the blue?

"Ya, last year, what about it?" I say

"What if she doesn't look like a Sophia? Can we keep Evelyn Winter as a back up?" Alex says

"Well I guess, since we actually though of the name before, or if we don't like Evelyn Winter we can do Evelyn Erin O'Hara Morgan

"For your sister?" Alex says after stopping by a bench to sit

"Ya, but if you do-"

"I actually like that" Alex say energetically

"Really?" I say

"Yep, her initials can be EEOM"

Alex's POV:

Evelyn or Sophia?

This real hard, I love Sophia Paige but I also love Evelyn Erin

"Alex, I'm running to the mall to get some last minute things for the baby's nursery and some other stuff , do we need anything else?"

"Oh, look for maybe another outfit for when we bring her home from the hospital,I don't like that white one we got online" I say

"I'll look for something, I'll be back in maybe one to two hours, love you babe and little princess" Kelley says before walking out the door to her car

Kelley's POV:

Going to this mall always has given me a little remorse, I've always felt this mall wasn't really secure, but I hate driving another hour to the mall where all the rich people shop because paparazzi is always waiting on some celebrity or famous person to go, and me and Alex have basically dropped off the face of this earth with social media, so reporters and paparazzi have been looking for us everywhere

I decide to go to a Old Navy first to see if I can find anything for the baby (saying baby because it's either Evelyn or Sophia, comment below what name you like more :) )

I swear in the past 8 months we've dropped more money then we have on both our selves on this baby, with the amount of clothes she has we are probably going to build another closet for her room

1 hour later

I had probably gone to 6 stores shopping for stuff for the house and the baby and my hands we're so full my arms felt like they were going to fall off

Now, remember how I said I never feel really safe or I get remorse coming here... well that came true the instant I walked out of Macy's...

All I hear is screaming possibly coming from the food court area and I see people running....

The worst part, then gun shots

This feels and sounds like something you would hear in a movie or should I say in the time we will in with the amount of school shootings and shootings in large places

Luckily I snap out of thoughts and a younger gentleman yells at me saying "lady!!! You need to get in here!" And then proceeds to pull me back into the Macy's.

I want to text Alex about the situation but I don't want anything to happen to her or the baby

All I can do is just pray I get out of here alive....

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