78: Mock Trial [2]

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Thomas Jefferson vs. Alexander Hamilton


At night, your dorm building was alive. Parties in the lounge room, in individual rooms, in bathrooms, everywhere! Usually you did your rounds and the company of your dorm-mates along with a couple drinks, but tonight, you stayed in. Sleep was much needed and you planned to catch up.

You were used to the noises of the party, so it made it easier for you to sleep. No matter how much noise there was outside of your room, you didn't wake up. Not even when someone knocked loudly on your door. Soon though, the knocking became unbearable and you were rudely pulled out of your sleep. You marched to the door, ready to give the person on the other side an earful.

You yanked the door open and opened your mouth to go off at the man on the other side.

"I'm sorry!" Alexander blurted out before you could say anything.

"For waking me up or for what happened earlier?" You asked, eyes narrowing at the sight of him. Not even ten seconds together and you already felt drained for the evening, or maybe it was your sleepiness catching up to you.

"Both?" Alex said. You gave him a stern look. "Both. Definitely both, but more so for earlier... Can I come in?"

You thought for a moment. You could just say no, and slam the door in his face. You wanted sleep and Alex had a tendency to be able to keep you up all night yapping his gums, but that would be rude.

You sighed and stepped to the side, "This doesn't mean I'm forgiving you."

After he entered your room, you closed the door behind you.

Alex sat down in your roller office chair. He looked tired himself, but Alex always looked tired. One of his many talents.

"Look, I'm sorry I didn't tell you before I implemented my plan, but it was prime time-" He started and you cut him off.

"And you could have taken two minutes to pass me a not or something!" You stopped his excuse. "Alex, some of the things you said hurt. It felt like you meant them, and I don't know what to think about that. Plan or not."

"You said yes, Y/n." He defended.

"I didn't say yes to you almost calling me a bitch, Alex." You glared at him and sat down on your bed, arms crossed in defense. You liked Alex, he was a cool guy, but that had been taking it too far. Anyone would agree with you.

Alex rolled the chair towards you on your bed. He reached forward and took your arms out of their crossed position. He ran his hands down them, leaving goosebumps and other than that, you couldn't help but feel a tingle run down your arms. He held your hands in his, leaned forward and urged you to look him in the eyes.

You slowly lifted your face, feeling the tension in the air. Usually you would be uncomfortable being this close to him, but now it seemed different. For the first time, you actually saw sincerity in Alex's eyes, along with something else that you couldn't tell.

"Y/n, I'm sorry." He breathed out. "Really, completely and truthfully... sorry."

Your eyebrows knitted together and you looked away. In the past there had been many moments like this. He would come to you and apologize and then next thing you know something else would be happening that made you mad at him again.

"Y/n, please. We need you to help us." One of his hands let go of yours and lifted your chin back up to his level. "I need..."

His eyes flickered to your lips then back up again. The tension became thicker as you noticed him debating on whether to do something or not. You tried to tell yourself it wasn't what you thought, but as he leaned in, it was obvious it was.

He was trying to kiss you, and you were going to let him.

You leaned forward to meet him halfway, closing your eyes and waiting for the moment to come. The kiss started out slow, hesitated, but soon the two of you were moving your lips together, heads leaning to the side. His lips were soft. They felt like heaven. The noises of the parties outside faded away and you felt at peace. You weren't tired anymore, but instead, awake. Like you'd been asleep all of your life. The two of you parted all too soon, and your eyes lingered closed. You felt hot. You realized the reason was because of him. His hand felt hot against yours, his knee, his fingers lingering on your chin, every spot where he was touching you, you felt warmth.

"I'm sorry." He broke the silence and suddenly stood.

You felt his warmth being taken away. You wanted it back. You stood up after him and grabbed his hand, encouraging him to turn back towards you.

You didn't know what you were doing. Yes, you had kissed people before, but nothing like this, like him. This time there was a meaning behind it. One you couldn't explain. You didn't want him to leave. No. That was the last thing you wanted him to do.

He slowly turned again. You pulled him towards you. He walked towards you and brought his hands up to your face. This time you're the one who leaned forward and caught his lips in yours. This time the kiss was more heated than before. Your hands explored each other's bodies, gripping each other and pulling each other closer. You stepped back and Alex stepped forward until the back of your knees hit the bed and Alex guided you down onto it. His kisses moved down to your neck, kissing that sweet spot. You moaned.

Both of you attacked each other's clothes while simultaneously fighting for dominance, refusing to separate unless completely necessary. You grind your hips on his erection, making him lose his breath and lay down onto your bed. Soon, it was too much to keep teasing.

Your moans were drowned out by the party noises outside of the door, and just like the party, the two of you went all night.


The next morning was... euphoric.

You woke up and were happy to see Alex still sleeping beside you. You placed a kiss to his chest on one of the many marks you left last night, now blossoming into a pretty purple bruise. You felt happy about last night. It didn't seem like a mistake. Not at all. To you, it was one of the best decisions you ever made. You only hoped that Aex thought the same.

You breathed in, pushed the thoughts away from your head, and closed your eyes, laying your head back down onto his chest. You listened to his heart beat and began to drift back off into sleep when someone started knocking at your door.

You groaned and tried to ignore them. Just like last night. You could sleep through anything, but then you thought of Alex. You didn't know if that was the same for him, and you wanted him to stay asleep. To stay here, with you, in this moment, but as the knocking continued, you knew that it wasn't possible.

You sat up and struggled to get the thin blanket untangles of Alex's sleeping body, and wrap it around yourself before you stomped towards the door. On the way, you passed by the clock.

2:40 pm.

Who the fuck would be here at 2:40 pm?

You thought for a second. All your girlfriends and most of your guy-friends had classes. All except for one: Maria. Of course she would show up without announcing herself. That was just her style.

You grumbled a threat under your breath and ripped open your door. "I swear, Maria, this better be- Oh my!"

Everything came back at once.

One: James said that you all would meet up at two. They were probably here trying to see why you were late to their meetup.

Two: you were in a sheet. A very thin sheet. You just basically flashed the three men you hate in the world, and their–and sort of yours–arch-nemesis is in your bed, also naked.

As soon as you opened the door, you slammed it.

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