40: Take A Break

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Marquis de Lafayette X Reader


You groaned waking up from the anesthesia that the doctor had given you.

"Mon ange?" You heard the soothing voice of your boyfriend and looked towards it.

"Lafayette?" You squinted, the white walls were blinding.

"I'm here." His hand landed on yours and you finally found his face.

You groaned waking up from the anesthesia that the doctor had given you.

"Mon ange?" You heard the soothing voice of your boyfriend and looked towards it.

"Lafayette?" You squinted, the white walls were blinding.

"I'm here." His hand landed on yours and you finally found his face.

"H-hey, how long have you been here?"

"A few days." Laf said quickly wanting to change the subject, "How are you feeling, mon ange?"

"A few days?! Laf have you slept?"

"Yes." He lied. You saw the bags under his eyes.

"Babe... come here." You moved to one side of the hospital bed to make room for him, careful not to break your stitches.

He reluctantly crawled into the bed.

"I really shouldn't be doing this,(y/n)."

"Yes, you should, now come here." You nestled your head into the crook of his neck as he slid his arm around your waist.

It seemed like within seconds of the two of you cuddling up, Lafayette had fallen asleep, and you were too.


Lafayette helped you inside the apartment. He immediately setting you down on the couch, and made sure you were comfortable.

"I'm fine, Laf, just sit down." You tried to pull him down onto the couch with you. to no avail.

"No, not right now, (y/n), I have to start dinner." He explained and hurried off towards the kitchen before you could stop him.

Halfway into your favorite show, you smelt something burning, and then suddenly the smoke detector going off.

You got up and rushed, as carefully as you could, to the kitchen. You turned off all the burners and grabbed a towel to start fanning the smoke detector.

"(y/n), what happened?!" You looked over to the source of the voice to see Lafayette holding a heap of blankets in his arms. You kept fanning.

"I don't know! I just smelt something burning, and then the alarm went off!" You explained, coughing from the smoke that was filling the apartment. "Go open a window or something, I'm choking in here."

Lafayette dropped the heap of blankets and rushed to open all the windows and balcony doors in the house. He returned to you still fanning the beeping alarm.

"Here, let me do it! You can go sit down!" Lafayette yelled over the beeping as he took the towel from you and started fanning in your stead.

"Lafayette, stop babying me! it was only an appendicitis!" You argued. He kept fanning. You sighed. He was overworking himself. He knew it, and you knew it.

Soon, the beeping stopped and Lafayette tried to see what survived.

He ended up ordering pizza.


"Lafayette, I don't need any more blankets."

"But you're shivering, mon trésor!" Laf argued.

"No, I'm shaking from the coffee you made me." You said back, setting the cup of coffee down and picking up some of the blankets off the couch, and putting them on the floor.

"Come on, sit down." You pleaded. Lafayette had been working his ass off all week.

All week he had gotten up early in the morning to make sure you had something to eat with your pain medication, then left for work, then stopped by to give you lunch, and then go back to work, only to come back and make you dinner. He hardly slept too.

It wasn't healthy.  You could physically see that tension was the only thing holding him up.

When Laf didn't sit down like you asked him to do, you decided to go with a different approach.

"Gilbert, if you don't sit down and rest right now, I will get up, and break every stitch that I have." You demanded. He raised an eyebrow at you.

You stared him down.

After a few seconds he gave up and finally sat down.

You picked up some of the blankets and settled them on him.

"Thank you for taking care of me, Lafayette. It means a lot, but you have to take care of yourself babe."

"I know, thank you, mon cher."

You snuggled up to him, resting your head on his shoulder, as you both watched a new show that had just started.

A few minutes later you looked up and sniffed the air.

"Do you smell something burning?"

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