48: Donut For Donut

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Thayne Jasperson X Reader

Also, guys, I FORGOT TO POST THIS ONE I'M SORRY!! CONTINUE also this was our 50th fic!!


You stood in the lobby of the Richard Rodgers theatre, scared to go through the second door. You had procrastinated coming here all day. You had gone to the park, petted dogs, gone to a bakery and picked up a shit ton of bagels, and now you were here with three boxes of donuts in your hands. Suddenly, the door opened and Lin, your boss, head popped out.

"Y/n! There you are!" He exclaimed and exited the door, going to give you a hug.

"Here I am..." You exclaimed warily. He stepped back and looked at you worriedly.

"They'll love you Y/n. We're glad to have you on the crew!"

You nodded, "Glad to be here."

"Come on, let me introduce you." Lin took your arm and pulled you into the theatre. Everyone was currently on break from rehearsal and talking to each other. Lin told you to wait at the front of the stage while he got everyone's attention.

"Listen up!" He exclaimed. Some of the cast turned to him. Alex whistled to get the rest's attention. The conversations died down and Lin clapped his hands together, "First things first, I would like to introduce our new crew member, Y/n L/n!"

'Whoop's and clapping proceeded.

"Would you like to give a few words?"

You shrugged, "Okay.."

Lin stepped back, and you stepped forward.

"I'm not good with words, so I..." You struggled with the box in your arms. Lin stepped forward to help you. You quickly thanked him. "I-I brought donuts..."

You showed them the contents on the box.

"I CALL FIRST DIBS!" A man, you recognized as Oak from his pictures (you had done your research), chirped up. He barreled towards you and the boxes. Soon the rest of the cast followed. They took one of the boxes and started fighting over who would get what.

"BOSS COMING THROUGH!" Lin proclaimed and the cast parted like the red sea to let him through. Lin took his time to pick out his donuts, and promptly walked away with a smile on his face. The cast then restarted their fight for the pastries. After those ran out, Groff turned to you and took another box from your arms.

"LONG LIVE THE KING!" He yelled as he ran away from the angry mob of cast members.

"CATCH HIM! HE HAS MY BEAR CLAW!" Tommy yelled and the mob followed Jonathan off of the stage. This left you and another person laughing hysterically at the cast's actions. You turned to see the other person and recognized him as Thayne Jasperson.

He stepped forward and reached out his hand nervously, "Hi, I'm Thayne."

You blinked, looking for words to say, "Donut."

"Donut?" Thayne's head cocked to the side.

"Donut." You opened the last box and showed the donuts to him.

"Oh... Donut!" Thayne smiled, and reached into the box to take one of the donuts. He then sat on the edge of the stage, and patted the space next to him. You nodded and took a donut for yourself, and sat down next to him.

The two of you sat there, and talked. You told him how you came to find this job, he told you about the cast, and how accepting they were. He told you of stories, fans would never know, that made you laugh the hardest.

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