51: Race Against Time (2)

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Alexander Hamilton X Reader

There is kinda some graphic stuff in here. not too bad, but if you cant handle that i put asterisks (*) before and after the part



"I'll walk you home?"

"It's three A.M, and we're in New York, do you think that's the best idea?"

Alex chuckled, "Perhaps not. Do you want tea?"

"Not right now. I would like you to tell me what the hell you were thinking going to my father with this plan?" Your demeanor changed in a matter of seconds as you sat across from Alex.

"I was thinking what was best for you."

"I can't let you do this, Alexander. I'm the oldest, I can't go against my family for loving you, and put my sister through the same things I'm going through."

"For loving me?"

You stopped your rant realizing that you've admitted something to him that you hadn't yet confessed to yourself. You were in love with Alexander Hamilton.

"I would like that tea now, please." You choked out.

"No, (Y/n), you said for love. Do you love me?"

"I-" You gulped. You took a deep breath, trying to overcome your embarrassment and anxiety. Silence filled the room.

You looked up from your lap to see Alex, waiting for an answer, a sullen look on his face.



Two weeks passed and Hercules was back in town.

While they were at the camp Alexander had kept in touch with you everyday, sending letter after letter, though he never told you how the plan was going, he did shower you with poems and promises of the future.

You rushed over to Herc's place and knocked on the door.

The door opened revealing Hercules to you.

"(Y/n) (L/n)!"

"Hercules Mulligan!" You exclaimed and Hercules engulfed you in a hug, spinning you around on the little porch. "You're alive!"

"Come on, (Y/n), you know I'll never die." He offered for you to enter first, and you did.

"So..." You trailed. "How are you?"

"I'm fine, but I think that's not the question you wanted to ask me."

"You're right. Did he get the position?"

"No." Hercules came right out and said it. The news came so fast that you had to sit down to keep from passing out. "I'm sorry, (Y/n), but good news is, he's not giving up, he's been asking the General to promote him everyday, that's why he's not here. He's trying to convince Washington by coming up with a plan to finally end this war."

"And will it work?"

"We hope so."

"So, he's not coming back for a while huh?" You sighed.

"No. I'm sorry (Y/n)." Hercules apologized again.

"It's fine... I'm going to head back home."

"Okay, come back anytime."

"Will do." The door closed behind you and you stopped on the porch trying not to let the tears fill your eyes.

It wasn't okay.


After about a minute of standing there, you walked down the steps and started heading home.

You turned onto your street suddenly seeing the last person you wanted to see.

"Ah, (Y/n), my court. Just who I was heading to see." The voice belonging to your courter exclaimed.

"Go away." You kept walking straight past him.

"That's no way to talk to the man who has your hand." He grabbed your arm and spun you around to look at him.

"No, but it is the proper way to talk to a cheater." You spat.

Your courter gasped, putting a hand to his chest, faking being appalled, "How dare you think I would ever cheat on you?"

"Oh, please, I promise if we asked anybody in this town they would say they slept with you, even the old merchant who sells bread on New England-"


You were cut off by a sharp pain on your right cheek. You looked up, shocked, at your courter. The smirk on his face sickened you to the core.

How could your parents want you to marry this monster?

He grabbed your face, digging his thumb into your cheek right where he just hit you, it hurt like hell. He yanked your face to look at him, you couldn't help the fear in your eyes.

"Watch your mouth. The same could said about you, going to the house of two men late and staying throughout the night. You should hear the things the women of this town say behind your back. Even if you managed to get out of this courtship with me, who would want to marry the Whore of 31st Street." He roughly let go of your face, making you stumble a bit.

You bit back your tears and picked up your skirts, running the rest of the way home.


You rushed up the steps of your house, and opened the door.

"(Y/n)?" Your sister called out from the parlor as she exited, she saw you and smiled walking over to you. Slowly, her smile disappeared, and her eyes widened, she dropped the book in her hands and rushed over to you.

"Oh my lord, (Y/n), what happened? Where did this bruise come from?"

You didn't notice you were crying until you broke down. You hit the floor heaving tears. Your sister sat with you, hugging you to her and trying to sooth you. After a few minutes of tears, you were finally able to stand, and your sister led you to the kitchen.

She sat you in a chair then ran outside to wet a rag, coming back in, she held it to your bruised cheek and wiped away your tears. You slowly calmed down.

"What happened?" She asked again.

Unable to speak, you tapped your ring finger. Your sister got the message and stood up, ready to march out of the room to your father's office, but not before you caught her arm.

"Don't." You sniffled, "It won't change anything."

"It might!"

"It won't!"

"It will. Alex will get the position. I just know it." Your sister knew of your plan ever since Alex came over. She was eavesdropping. She pulled you into a hug. "Just hang in there."

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