HC: Time Traveler!Reader w/ Burr

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I'm starting to write headcanons too! They probably wont be published often because I only do them per request!


-Aaron Burr would end up staying in modern times more than the 16th/17th century.

-He calls it "Getting Away From Alex" time but really he just wants to learn more about you and where you come from. Maybe how he impacted history.

-He'll stay inside most days. Neither of them

-Alexander Hamilton will worship the ground you walk on. The rare times you visit the 16th/17th century he is thanking you for giving him some time away from Burr, but he does admit he misses having someone to taunt.

-Hercules and John would be interested. Her will ask you about fashion of the 21st century. He likes all the colors modern people incorporate in their clothes. He might even ask you to bring him some fabric back for him. John would love to talk with you about the future, and maybe ask you to bring him some stuff from the past. He would ask you if maybe one day he would have a family. You don't have the hear to tell him that he never will.

-Lafayette would not be surprised by any of this. Burr would disappear for a few minutes, then reappear to seem like he's lived years in a matter of seconds. He was probably the first one to find out.

-Honestly, Burr would give up everything. His whole life in the past. Just to stay with you.


-You know that story about Burr stealing a bunch of shit, then skipping town to England? Well he stole a bunch of shit, but it was actually him packing up his whole house to move to the future to stay with you forever. 

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