71: So This Is Love

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George Washington x reader

Who do you think the old lady is based off of?


You rocked side to side, resting your head on your new husband's chest.

This wasn't a ceremonious wedding.

As a matter of fact, you were currently slow dancing outside of a Las Vegas chapel, drenched from head to toe with rain that was still pouring down. You didn't mind, still feeling elated from your drive thru wedding, happy to finally be married to the man you love.

At least, before he leaves for a year... or even worse.

You and your husband hummed along to the song.

You didn't notice you were crying until your husband, George, pulled away and shushed you, wiping the tears from your face that had already mixed with the rain.

You were crying because you were happy, but also because you were sad.

"It'll all be fine, Y/n." Your husband rubbed your back in order to sooth the worries built up in your heart.

"It would be fine if you just stayed with me..." You whispered.

George said nothing. He had already said the next sentence hundreds of times.

"It's not my choice".


Gate 17C.

Tears filled your eyes as you stopped in front of the sign, the airport gate on your right, your husband in front of you. This morning, the day after you got married, he had dressed in his fatigues, and you had both gotten on the plane, doing and talking about anything you could in order not to talk about what was happening now.

It was quite the scene. Two newlyweds being ripped away from each other not even a week after they'd gotten married. It was heart-wrenching.

George held you closer to him as you cried into his chest. He rested his head on top of yours and pressed a kiss to the top of your head. "As soon as I get home, we're going to have a big wedding. We'll invite the Schuylers and Burr and Jefferson, and Hamilton and his squadron, and both of our families and all of our friends." He promised.

"That's almost 200 people, George." You reminded him, smiling and sniffling.

He pulled away and held your head in between his hands. "I want everyone to know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you, Y/n."

He leaned forward and placed his lips on yours. The two of you kissed like you would never see each other again, though you hoped that you would. Neither of you wanted to pull away or separate, wanting to stay together forever and not depart.

"We ask that all military personnel and passengers with small children board now." A voice came over the intercom, informing the two of you that it was time for George to go.

You parted, but stayed close. Neither one wanting the other to let go.

George, knowing that if he didn't leave now, he never would, placed one last kiss on your forehead, before picking up his duffle bag, and heading toward the boarding gate.

Right before going in, he turned and gave you one last wave. You forced a smile on your face and waved back, praying that he would come back when he turned and entered the jetway to board the plane.

Watching the plane back out of it's spot, and roll away on the tarmac, you took an unsteady breath and turned away from the gate. Your only wish is that he would come back safe.

"He'll come back." A woman caught your hand as you passed her. She was wearing a blue shawl with a hood on the back, a pink bow tying it in the front. Her hair was silver gray, and she had the nicest smile you'd ever seen. "Trust me."

She sent a wink to you and you couldn't help but feel somewhat at peace.

"Thank you." You whispered, and kept walking forward, confused about the encounter. You got a little ways away and turned around again to look at the now empty seat, no trace of the old woman anywhere. You looked around, wondering if you imagined her-- but no-- she had touched your hand. It was like she had disappeared. Like magic.

You shook your head of the thought, and made your way from the airport.

It has been a week since you heard from George, and you were a wreck.

"Please, just-" You ran a hand down your face. "Can you please tell me where he is? Or if he's okay? I need to know."

"I'm sorry, ma'am." The man on the other side of the line told you. "We can't release any information of any service member for their safety."

"Just... Please. I haven't heard from him in a week and a half. It's been eight months since he left and he's never gone more than four days without calling me all this time. I'm just... I'm so worried." You pleaded. You don't know how many departments you have called in the past few days, and you were so tired of getting the same answer over and over.

"I know, ma'am, and trust me you aren't the only one, but I cannot release any information. Goodnight, ma'am." The man hung up, and you let the phone drop to the table. You cried and cried and cried again until you had fallen asleep on the table.


You woke up hours later, disoriented, and in need of a massage because of the crook in your neck.

You made yourself to get up and make it to the sink. You filled up a cup of water and gulped it down, filling it up again and drinking it again. You put the glass in the dishwasher and shuffled to the living room. You looked at the cable box and read the time.

3:15 AM.

You sighed, knowing you wouldn't be able to go back to sleep now. You looked around the darkroom, your old record player catching your eye.

You walked over to it, pulling out the record you played when you were missing your husband, which was every day. You took the record out of it's sleeve and paced it on the player, turning it on, and placing the needle.

Your wedding song: So This is Love started playing. You crossed and held your arms, closing your eyes and listening closing to the song.

Soon the song was over, then began again.

This time you held your arms up, pretending that George was there with you.

You hummed along with the song, knowing it by heart, wishing that he was there to sing with you. Little did you know, someone had snuck into the house, and entered the living room right as the song was beginning.

"Hmm... hmm..., So this is love, hmm, So this is love, So this is what makes life divine, I'm all aglow, hmm, And now I know"

You braced yourself to not hear him sing the next verse, like he never did.

You felt a hand slip into yours and another rest on the small of your back, your other hand settling on a shoulder, "And now I know"

You opened your eyes wide, surprised to see your husband, and if he wasn't holding so you close to him, you would have sworn you were still dreaming.

"The key to all heaven is mine" The two of you sung together, smiling happily at each other.

"My heart has wings, hmm, And I can fly" You sung, the smile never leaving your face, a sense of relief washing over you so heavily that tears began to fall from your eyes again. You settled your head on his chest. "I'll touch every star in the sky"

"So this is the miracle," George lifted your head to look at him, "That I've been dreaming of"

The two of you got closer and closer until you were humming against each other's lips.

"Hmm..." You hummed.

"Hmm..." He hummed.

"So this... Is... Love"

And you finally share a kiss...

I guess the old lady was right.

He did come back. 

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