73: For the Moment

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Thomas Jefferson X Reader


It's the end of the day at Washington-Adams Law, and though you're completely worn out, in the next few minutes, you would be able to go home to your bottle of Pinot Noir, and the delicious leftover pizza from last night.

But, of course, all of that had to be ruined by the last person you wanted to see opening your office door and letting himself in.

"Alexander." You sighed. "I would say that I'm happy to see you, but I've promised myself not to ever tell that big of a lie."

"That's funny coming from you, considering what was brought to my attention earlier today." Alex replied joyfully.

You rolled your eyes and continued typing on your computer, "And what was that?"

"A little birdy told me that you've never taken your bar exam."

You could feel your heart stop. You felt like you couldn't breathe, but years of lying conditioned you to shake it off, and not show any fear or surprise. You kept typing the rest of your email to your boss, George Washington.

"Alexander, I thought you were gullible, but I never thought that you could believe something so far-fetched and stupid." You finished typing your email and sent it, before turning to him, with a no-nonsense look on your face.

"I know it's true, Y/n. I know that you hacked into Harvard servers–or got someone to do it for you, cause I hardly think you have the mental capacity to do it on your own. I know that you tricked them into sending you a replacement degree for your "missing" one, and that you, Y/n L/n have never stepped foot into a bar exam room in your life."

"And what evidence do you have of this?" You were getting worried. Everything he said was true, but how did he know? You've only told two people. Thomas would never tell Hamilton, much less talk to them, and yes, Eliza was mad at you, but she wouldn't tell anyone about your secret, right?

"My girlfriend–you might know her, long black hair, pretty cheekbones, the most gorgeous and intelligent woman I've ever come to know?"

You nodded.


"Well, she came over to my house this morning, tearfilled eyes, drunk off her ass, and she told me something so detailed, that even when drunk, I don't think she could have come up with it." Alex explained, what she told him and you felt like your entire world was falling apart.

If this got out, forget this job, forget your position, forget everything, you're going to jail. It's against the law to falsely practice law, and you've been doing it for five years. All of your cases, the cases you won for all of those people who needed it, who couldn't afford a big time lawyer. All of those cases in which the other person needed to go to jail. They would be brought back to court, and those people would be set free. Your clients would lose everything that you rightfully got for them. Justice, freedom, reconcile. All of it would be taken away. From them. From you.

Alex's came back into focus again. His voice attacking your ears, though he wasn't yelling. He was taunting you.

"-and then she told me about how you actually got this job and oh my god-"

"Stop! Please! What do you want? What do you want me to do for you, Alex? I swear I will do anything." Your calm demeanor was long forgotten. Tears were threatening your eyes, fear evident on your face. You stood up, ready to grovel on your hands and knees if you had to.

Alex's face lit up with a devious smile and fear was the only thing you could feel.

The door to your office opened again, and Thomas poked his head in. "Y/n, I'm about to head-"

He must have seen your face, but you didn't dare look away from Alex. It must look like he was holding a gun to you, though, in a figurative way, he was.

Thomas, opened the door more, and stepped inside of your office, closing it behind him, and closing the blinds also. "Y/n, you okay?"

"She's fine, Thomas. This is a A-B conversation, C your way out of it, please."

"I asked, Y/n, not you Alex." Thomas said to him through clenched teeth, then turned back to you a softer look on his face.

You took a deep breath and looked at Thomas, "Alex... is trying to accuse me of falsely practicing the law."

"Does he have any evidence?"

"He says that Eliza told him-"

"She told me everything!" Alex interjected.

"She was drunk!" You defended. You were getting angry now, and Thomas' presence was only making you more confident.

Alex rolled his eyes. You could tell that his own confidence was lowering.

"What other evidence do you have except for I heard from somebody who was drunk off her ass, who heard from someone else, and so on and so forth?" Thomas retorted, bringing up a good point. If Alex couldn't prove any of this, and get Eliza to testify, then none of it mattered.

The room fell into silence.

You and Thomas both looked at Alex.

"Don't think this is the end of this, Y/n." Alex said, giving up, and backing out of the room. "I'm going to Washington with this tomorrow, and you won't get away with it."

"Get away with what, Alex?" You feigned confusion.

Alex tsked, opened the door to your office, then strolled out.

As soon as you saw his shadow pass your window, you knees buckled from under you. You fell to the ground shaking and crying.

In no time, Thomas had you in his arms. "Shhh... Y/n, It's alright."

"No, It's not Thomas!" You lowered your voice to a whisper. "He knows, and he's going to go to Washington, then Washington is going to believe me, and them they'll look into everything, and them I'll go to jail. I can't go to jail, Thomas." You ranted, your

"You won't go to jail, Y/n. Everything will be fine." Thomas kissed the top of your head. "And if if you do, you know I'll be right next to you, since I'm technically an accomplice."

You laughed a little bit, but it came out as a choked sob. Thomas chuckled, and rubbed your back, soothing your worries.

Maybe everything would be okay, maybe everything wouldn't but for the moment, everything was alright.

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