18: I Broke My Arm

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Hercules Mulligan x Reader


"This is a bad idea." You said to your friend as you both pulled up to the New York Skating Rink. Adrienne or Addy as you called her, got out of the car.

"Y/n, you think everything, that's not in the comfort of our house, is a bad idea." Adrienne dismissed your negative thoughts with a wave.

"Yeah, because at home I don't fall, bust my ass, then make a fool out of myself trying to get up... Wait, no. I do that anyways." You stepped out of the car into the cool crisp air of winter. You hate winter. The cold is too warm for your soul.

"Exactly! Come on!" Addy took your hand and pulled at it. You both headed towards the benches where you laced up your borrowed skates from your roommate. You stood up, putting your weight on your friend for balance.

"I'm going to end up breaking my ankles."

"No you won't, stop being so dramatic."

"She says to the theater arts student."

"Hah. Hah. Let's go." She rolled her eyes and started wobbling towards the rink.

You sighed, and wobbled after her, hoping for the best.


"The skates aren't as thin as you think, just trust them. I thought you've done this before?" Adrienne was still trying to coax you from letting go of her.

"Yeah, when I was three!" You stumbled.

"Oh G-" Addy gasped. "Is that Lafayette?"

You looked in the direction she was pointing. "Who's Lafa-"

"That's Lafayette! Come on, Y/n we can catch up with them if we try."

"What? Addy, n-" You gasped when she started pulling you along towards the group of men goofing off and skating.

To say you were scared for your life was an understatement. She was going to kill you!

"Keep up, Y/n!" Adrienne said pulling you. Her pulling you was giving you momentum, and when she stopped in front of the guy, you assumed was Lafayette, you had too much speed to stop.

You looked up from your skates just to close your eyes again when you began to collide with another person. You and the other person groaned in pain when you collided, fell, and then proceeded to slide across the ice. A pain shot through your arm as you stopped skidding beside the person you tackled.

"Merde!" You looked up to see the group of guys skating towards you two.


"You alright?!" You turned to the man you assumed was Hercules.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine." Hercules grumbled, rubbing his head, he then

"Y/n! Oh my God, I'm so sorry!" You heard your friend's voice.

"It's fi- OW!" You yelled in pain when you tried to push yourself up with your right arm. Others skating on the ice all turned to you, but now you were just focused on your pain.

"Um... Guys, that doesn't look good, we should get her to a hospital." Your friend suggested and Hercules stood up.

"Well, slight problem... I can't get up without hurting my arm." Curse your lack of core strength, you knew you should've taken those yoga classes.

Your friend smiled deviously, "Oh yeah... Hey, Herc, you're the best on skates, can you carry Y/n to the out to the car?"

You shot a glare towards her, and she winked in response.

"Shut up." You heard Herc's voice and turned your head to see him sending a glare to his own friends.

You wondered what that was about.

Hercules skated the short distance towards you and knelt down beside you on your left side.



"I'm sorry for bumping into you." You apologized and Hercules chuckled while picking you up, you settled your hurt arm in your lap. For your arm to be comfortable you had to put your hand against Herc's chest. You couldn't help but notice how fit he was.

"It's okay." He smiled to reassure you and you smiled back getting lost in his eyes.


Your friend started to close the passenger door to the car, but you stopped her with a wait, and called Hercules over.

"Phone?" You asked, and he fumbled to find his phone. He handed it to you, unlocked.

You quickly typed in your phone number under 'Y/n', and gave the phone back to him.

"Call me sometime? Uh..I would say text me but..." You motioned to your arm.

Hercules laughed, God that laugh would be the end of you, "I sure will."

Addy cleared her throat next to you, "Um.. Can we get going?"

"Yeah.. sure..." You said then turned back to Hercules and the others.

"Bye guys!" Adrienne yelled out of her window.

"I'll talk to you later!" You called out to Hercules as your friend drove away.

"See, I told you ice skating would be fun." Adrienne winked.

"I broke my arm, Adrienne!" You protested.

"Oh, stop being a wimp It's just a sprain." She rolled her eyes.

You smiled, "So... what's going on with you and Lafayette?"

"Well, it all started comic con when I was fighting a banana..." Adrienne started her elaborate story.

"Oh god."

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