26: Version 1: Swings

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Alexander Hamilton X Reader

This is version 1 of the same prompt. This one is fluffy. The next is supppeeeer angsty.


"Alex I swear to god you better be here!" you angrily whispered into the darkness. your best friend alexander told you to meet him at the park in 15 minutes, which wouldn't of been a problem, if it weren't 2 am.

Suddenly you saw a light coming from the far end of the park, right where the playground should be. You turned on your phone flashlight and cautiously walked toward the light. Once you got closer you saw a familiar figure on the swings. You snuck up behind him and waited until you were right next to him.

"boo!" you whispered in Alex's ear and suddenly he was on the mulch doubled over.

"(y/n) I swear to god you're going to give me a heart attack one day!" You held out your hand to help Alex up. the two of you took a seat on the old swing set.

"And I swear you're going to get me killed by my parents! Do you know the insane story I had to tell them in order to get here?"

"Oh do tell!" Alex playfully knocked his swing into yours.

"I had to tell them that when I went on a walk throughout the park earlier i had dropped my flash drive that had my entire 11 page english paper on it that had to submitted tonight! To really sell it I said it was worth 50% of my grade and it wasn't on my computer already!" You went into full detail, telling him about the fake english paper. Soon after you finished Alex was hanging onto the rusty chain as he laughed himself to tears. It truly was a wonderful sight. The two of you laughing and talking at an ungodly hour as you sat on a worse for wear swing set older than both of you. These were the things you loved about your friendship.

"Isn't it wonderful! I think I'd make a wonderful career out of acting." you smirked as his laughter was suppressed to giggles.

"What's truly astonishing is that you actually got them to believe that terrible lie."

"Anyways, why are we here? it seemed urgent." you pondered.

"I wanted a hug, and you give the best hugs!"

"Are you kidding me Alex? you texted me at 2 a.m for a hug? God you're a dork." you laughed.

you stood up from your swing and stepped towards Alex, arms outstretched. He got the message and wrapped his arms around your middle, as yours found their way around his neck.

You stayed like that for ages just embracing each other. That was all you two needed and wanted. It was comfortable and welcoming. Your face against his chest and his in your (h/c) hair. Friend things.

Just friends.

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