27: Version 2: Lies

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Alexander Hamilton X Reader


The door to your husband, Alex's, office opened and his rivals, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison exited with stunned faces.

"That was shorter than usual and less yelling," You chuckled, bring their attention to you. Their grim faces almost... scared you. "Would you like me to escort you out?"

Thomas turned to you abruptly, and started to tell you something, "Y/n, he-"

"No!" James cut in looking nervously from Thomas to you, and back to Alex's office, "We'll see ourselves out. Thank you. Let's go Thomas."

"Okay... Well... Then have a wonderful day Secretary Madison, Vice President Jefferson." You nodded you head to the two men and proceeded to move towards the office.

"And we both know, what we know."

"Oh! Hello, Aaron! I thought you had already left." Aaron and Alex both jumped at your abrupt entrance. You held the smile on your face.

Aaron's expression turned from surprised to a small smile, "Y/n, how are you?"

"I'm fine, and you?"

"Peachy. I would love to stay, but Theodosia is coming home today, and I don't want to miss greeting her." Aaron gave you a real smile talking about his daughter, which always happened when he talked about her. He started walking towards you, when his smile dropped. It was replaced with the same expression of the last two men. he stopped in front of you. "I'll show myself out. Keep smiling, Mrs. Hamilton."

You brushed off his saying, it's a smile, "I will, Aaron."

Aaron nodded at you, turning and giving Alexander a look that said, 'You've made a terrible mistake'. Alexander knew this, and he was about to make another one.

"Goodbye." Aaron took his leave and you entered the office fully. Taking a seat on Alex's lap, like you do all the time.

Alexander wrapped his arms around you and gave you a hug. Something about this hug felt different. Like something was going to happen, and by the looks on your guest's faces. It was nothing good.

"Alexander, what's wrong?" You whispered, petting his hair, still sitting on his lap.

"They came here accusing me of embezzling government funds."

"What?!" You tried to stand up, outraged, but he pulled you back down.

"No, Honey, it's okay. I got them to believe that and I didn't do it."

"Good." You went back to your previous position. "H-How?"

Somehow you knew you would regret that question.

"Well I told them that I wasn't embezzling funds, but instead taking the money from my own pocket and giving it to someone else."

"Why? Who?"

"James Reynolds."

"Oh, him! A horrid man. His wife is pretty nice though."

"Yeah, well now here the why, and it's gonna make you laugh." Alexander chuckled nervously.

You pulled away to look at him, "What?"

"I said that I was paying him to keep quiet... about... about the um... the... affair." Alexander looked down. "The affair between me and his wife."

You both sat in silence for a few seconds when you started laughing.

"You're right." You said in between your laughs, "That did make me laugh."

"W-Why?" Alex leaned back cautiously.

"Because, what's truly astonishing is that you actually got them to believe that terrible lie!" You laughed, standing up and walking towards the office door, picking up your skirts to walk easier, "Maybe they are as 'idiotic' as you always say they are. Dinner will be ready in-"


"Hm?" You stopped at the door, letting you skirts drop.

"It wasn't a lie."

"Of course it was, Alexander." You looked up at him. "You wouldn't cheat..."

Then everything clicked.

Thomas and James' grave faces. Thomas trying to warn you. Aaron's words of courage at the end of his visit. Their inability to look you in the eye. Alexander holding you like it was the last time.

And he was right.

That was the last time.

In your moment if thought, you didn't notice Alexander had walked towards you, until you felt his hand on your shoulder.

You turned and headed out of the room, removing his hand from your shoulder. You picked up your skirts and rushed up the stairs.

"Y/n!" Alexander called after you.

"No!" You screamed back. Your thoughts were rushing through your mind. You couldn't believe what was happening.

The door next to your shared bedroom opened and your first son, Phillip, stepped out.

"Ma, what's wrong? You're crying."

"Go get your brother's and sister's." and meet me at the front."

"Why? What-"

"JUST DO IT PHILLIP!" You didn't mean to raise your voice, but right now you don't know what to do.

You entered your shared room when you heard your name called again behind you. You shut the door and wiped at your tears, walking towards the crib at the foot of your bed.

"What the heck did you do?" You heard Phillip ask, presumably, Alexander on the other side of the door.

"Come on, Will." You wrapped your sixth child in a blanket and picked him up. You left the room, breezing past Alexander, and down the stairs.

He didn't go after you. He watched from the top of the stairs as you ushered your five children out of the front door, as you tried to shush the sixth in your arms.

"Where are we going, mama." Your second, Angelica asked holding onto your fifth, John's hand.

"Anywhere but here." You mumbled under your breath, as you shut the door behind you.

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