36: Vacation

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Daveed Diggs X Reader


You stood at the side of the stage watching your fiance bounce up and down like an energetic puppy. You loved watching him perform and he loved performing. Your only worries were the strain on his voice.

Clipping.'s music was thumping through the speakers at a deafening volume but no one seemed to care. They were all jumping and rapping along with Daveed.

You looked up at Daveed and you could tell that he loves what he's doing.

Pretty soon the concert ended, and the three members of Clipping. stepped off the stage. They tried to get through and sign as many things as they could. William and Jonathan ended up getting caught in another group of fans while Daveed managed to weave his way through and head to you.

You smiled and held up a cup of tea that you had bought only minutes ago.

"Hey, babe." You noticed the strain in his voice. Daveed leaned towards you, and instead of the kiss that he was expecting, his lips connected with the cup of tea.

"Drink." You ordered and gave him a smile.


"No speaking, you still have a morning show and a Ham For Ham tomorrow, now drink." You handed the tea to him, and adjusted your purse, looking up again. Daveed smiled down gratefully at you as you leaned into his side.

"C'mon babe, let's go home." You suggested, and Daveed nodded, turning and waving back to Will and Jon.

You waved also, "Bye Will! Bye Jon!"

"Bye!" The two men waved you off, the fans letting out a disagreement to see you both go.

"By the way, Daveed, have you seen where all my clothes went. I've been trying to find some of them for the past week."

Daveed cleared his throat before answering you, "No, haven't seen them."


"We're going to switch roles for Cabinet Battle #1." Lin revealed his plan for the day's Ham4Ham to Daveed and Chris. You were relaxing on the couch next to Daveed, and listening to the conversation.

"Sounds fun." Daveed's voice seemed to be back.

"Let's do it." Chris agreed, and Lin bounced with joy.

"Great! I'll tell the others." He left the room with chris following behind.

"Are you sure your voice will be okay?" You asked still concerned.

"Yeah, it's fine, babe." Daveed assured you.


"Hey." Daveed brought your attention back to him, and gave you a peck on the lips. "Thanks for worrying about me."

You settled back into his shoulder, nodding, You whispered, "I still have a bad feeling about this..."


You were right.

Right after his Ham4Ham performance, he lost his voice mid conversation with you.

"Lin, I can go on." Daveed's voice was rough, and no the good kind. You and Lin were both worried that if he kept talking he would make the matter worse.

"No, you can't, Daveed, you can hardly talk for Pete's sake."

"I agree with Y/n. We'll get Andrew to sub for you." Lin patted his knees and stood up, "You can take an earlier extended vacation than planned, I guess."

"Lin-" Daveed scolded but a cough cut him off.

"Vacation?" You didn't know one of his vacation weeks were coming up.,much less an extended one.

"Oh, she didn't know?"

Daveed rolled his eyes at Lin, seemingly saying, "Duh."

"I should leave." Lin turned and headed out of the door.

"You didn't tell me you had a vacation coming up Daveed." You put a hand on his shoulder, for him to look up at you.

He took out his phone, opening the notes app, and then typed:

'It was supposed to be a surprise... I already had a bag for you packed and everything.'

"That explains my missing clothes."

'I guess the jig is up huh?'

"Hell no!" You shook your head. "This is the perfect opportunity for you to rest up, and for us to finally get away!"

You giggled as he tried to steal kisses from you, as you playfully pushed him away.

The antics stopped, though, when Lin knocked on the door and peeked his head inside. "Can I get back into my dressing room now? Some of us still have to get ready for our job..."

"Oh, sorry, Lin." You blushed as you and Daveed exited the room. Halfway down the hall, towards the exit, you got a message from Daveed.

'I love you, Y/n ' It said.

"I love you too, baby." You smiled and turned around to face Daveed, pressing a kiss to his lips.

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