41: De Todas Las Cosas Buenas

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Usnavi de la Vega X Reader


You woke up to the sun shining through your-


This isn't your apartment.

You instantly got up, and walked around to look for any sign of whose apartment it was that you were in.

After seeing a few familiar things, you sighed in relief. That didn't last long as you realize the only possible explanation for you to be in Usnavi de la Vega's bed was if you slept with him. Though you didn't mind sleeping with him, it wasn't something you wanted to happen while you were drunk.

You looked down at your body and saw that you weren't in your clothes from last night, but instead, in Usnavi's favorite shirt, and a pair of his sweatpants. You looked back to the bed, and saw nobody on the opposite side. It looked like the side you slept in was the only side disturbed.

"We didn't sleep together."  The sudden voice made you jump, and you looked to the doorway to see Usnavi standing there, holding two cups of coffee. You neared him, and he passed you your cup. "I slept on the couch."

"After the party last night? That's brave." You took the cup, and sighed at the smell. You loved Usnavi's coffee, so did the rest of the Barrio. It was also a good hangover remedy, "So, how did I end up in your bed last night?"

"Well... uh.. You see...." Usnavi's now free hand went to the back of his neck, "I accidentally bumped into you, and both of our drinks ended up on you... So you marched up here, and stole my clothes."

That explained your attire.

"Then after that, you mumbled something about feeling tired, and you got into my bed, and uh... fell asleep... so I left you there, and shut down the party."

You wanted to slap yourself your drunken self, "I'm sorry, when I'm drunk, I dont know what I'm doing."

"Está bien ((It's fine)), it was actually really funny." Usnavi chuckled.

"I'm glad you found me funny." You smiled at hearing his laugh.

Too soon, it ended and the two of you fell into silence. You looked up at the clock, "Oh, I should be heading home, I have to get ready for work." You set the cup of coffee down on his dresser and rushed past him towards the front door. You stopped in your tracks, looking at what you were wearing. If Daniella and Carla saw you in his clothes they would have a field day.

"Usnavi, where are my clothes?" You asked as you heading towards the laundry. You open the dryer, seeing your now clean and dried clothes.

You took Usnavi's shirt off, intending to change into your own. You didn't hear the soft sound of bare feet coming up behind you.

"It's in the dry- Santa madre de todas las cosas..." You turned around, and Usnavi breathe out the last word, "...buenas ((holy mother of all things... good))."

You smiled and put your shirt on nonchalantly. You took your jeans out of the dryer, closing it afterwards. You walked over, slung your jeans over your shoulder, and put his shirt in his hands.

You smirked at him, "I'll return your sweatpants later."

You walked around a gaping usnavi, and reached the front door, "Oh, and Usnavi?"

"Y-yeah?" He mumbled.

You opened the door, "You're drooling."

And with that, you left.

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