"I don't trust many people, you know" Reg whispers.

"I won't hurt you" I whisper back, trying to reassure the shaking boy.

"I know you won't, Sirius trusts you" Reg says. I think he's starting to warm up to me. I glance up to see if Sirius is okay, and I regret it. He's standing nose to nose to Bellatrix, his wand pointed at her throat. Reg looks up at his brother, wincing.

"He is so stupid, but I love him so much" Reg chuckles. I inspect Sirius closer, he has a black eye and a busted lip.

"Yeah, me too" I murmur, not really wanting him to hear me.

"Don't hurt him, okay? He's been through enough" Reg sighs, laying his head back down on my shoulder.

"I won't hurt him, I love that boy to death"

Sirius walks back over a few minutes later, the Slytherins leaving the compartment. Reg moves away from me, inspecting his brother.

"You stupid prat" Reg sighs, walking over to his trunk.

"What is he doing?" I ask Sirius.

"He always has medical supplies on hand, he's gotten good at it over the years"

"He's eleven" I chuckle.

"So that means I cant patch up my big brother when he's being a complete idiot?" Regulus fumes, sitting back down.

"Ooo sassy just like your brother" I tease. Reg and Sirius both glare at me, the exact same expression on both of their faces.

"Okay okay, Merlin I'm sorry" I chuckle. Reg gently cleans Sirius' face. When he's done reg puts the stuff back in his trunk and closes it, walking back over to us. Reg lays across the seat, his head in Siri's lap and his legs over mine.

"Looks like he's warming up to you, moons" Sirius chuckles, running his finger through Reg's hair.

"I'm fucking tired, dickhead" Reg groans.

"Merlin, do I cuss that much?" Sirius asks me.

"You're worse" I chuckle. Sirius leans over and kisses my cheek. I blush at the contact, intertwining our hands again.

"Gross" Reg says

"Fuck you" Sirius groans. The compartment door bangs open and reg sits up, quick as a flash and leans into Sirius, not unlike the position he was in when I climbed on. Sirius wraps an arm around his little brother, kissing the top of his head.

"It's just James, bud" He whispers.

"Hey boys, smaller boy" Our best friend, James Potter, calls.

"M'not small" Reg says quietly.

"Oh, it's mini Padfoot" James says.

"Okay, can't argue that" Reg shrugs. Sirius kisses the top of his head, ruffling up his hair.

"This is regulus" Sirius chuckles, pulling his brother closer to his side. I can see the proud smile on his face when he looks at his little brother. That warms my heart. Sirius isn't one to show his emotions, but I can see the proud shine in his eyes. James crouches down by reg.

"I'm James" He says, sticking out his hand. Reg hesitantly shakes his hand, whispering a small 'hi'.

After a while Peter comes in.

"Boys, little pads" He greets. Reg huffs, annoyed.

"I'm not little!" He protests.

"And I'm the queen of England, shut up reg" Sirius scoffs.

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