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     as you opened the door you shined your light on the still sleeping pup. you looked at his hurt paws and knew you had to do something about it. you cursed silently at the dark room and wished you had more light then what your flashlight was giveing you. you sighed and took off your backpack. you crouched down and looked inside. you pulled out the red bag that said first aid kit on it. you stared at it for a second afriad that it might not have what you need. you set the bag on the ground and positoned the flashlight so you could see what was inside. you opened the red bag and saw tons of medical items. you were never the best at medicen but managed to find a small tube with the word ointment on it and some bandages. you picked up your flashlight and walked over to jackson. and set the ointment and badages next to him. you held the flashlight in a way so you could see his front two paws. you took the ointment in you right hand and took of the top. you squeezed some of it on his paw and he instatly woke up.

   he yelped and tryed to lick it off but you quickly positioned your flashlight next to him and held the puppy down. he struggled and squirmed makeing it hard for you to put the ointment on and wrap the bandages around his paws. after you managed to finsish and relesed the puppy he started to bite the bandages and tryed to get them off. you sighed and put everything back in your pack except the flashlight and picked up jackson. you prepared yourself and steped outside. you were about to leave the school when you heard a loud shreik. you turned around and saw a clump of zombies chaseing about 9 kids. the zombies were running after them and were about to get them. you were the only thing standing in the zombies way.

go to 50 to save the kids

go to 53 to keep walking

My Zombie Apocalypse (Chose your own adventure)COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now