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    you backed up until you hit a wall. the woman was still creeping twords you but even if she was bit you did not want her to kill herself so you tryed walking away. the woman then lunged at you barely missing your legs and you relised this woman was not bit, she just wanted your stuff. you and jackson ran away from her but she quickly followed you screaming for you to come back. you ran until a staircase apeared and you started to run down it but at the bottom was the biggest zombie you had ever seen. it look like it used to be a very muscular man. you almost stoped but if you did the insane woman behind you would catch you so you wizzed past the zombie and out the door. you tripped over you feet and made jackson fall on his face also. you thought this was the end but when you turned around you saw the zombie eating to woman who was chaseing you. you looked down the hallway you were in and saw two zombies but after that was a door to the courtyard.

    you picked up jackson and ran past them and once you got to the court yard you colapsed on a patch of grass that had an oak tree in the middle if it. you took your backpack off and layed on the grass. you looked at jackson and saw he was also laying down, panting heavily. you were so tired and just wanted to be in your bed. you wished that you could go to sleep and when you woke up you were in your old bed with no monsters trying to eat you. you wanted the comfort of any bed now. you relised that this was a school and school nurses offices usually had beds in them. you looked around and saw there was a window with the word nurse painted on it. you took a deep breath and put you backpack on. you steped back onto the hard concreet and took afew steps. you feet ached and you felt like you were going to fall. you looked back and saw that jackson was limping twords you. his little paws hurt also and he needed a soft place to lay down more then you did.

you walked to the window and opened the door next to it. you saw a zombie inside an office next to the nurses office but it couldnt get out so you dicided to worry about it later. one you got inside you opened another door that had a room with two beds in it. you sighed with relife and took off your backpack letting it fall to the floor. you picked up jackson and set him on one off the beds. he was still panting but laid down on his side. you saw that his paw pads were red and blistered and you wanted to do something about it now but you were just so tired. you dragged your pack near the bed you were going to lay on and colapsed on the bed. you reached into to pack and pulled out a bottle of water and took a big drink. you then relised that jackson had not had an water in days. you looked around the room and saw that there were some cups on a shelf. you stood up and took one of the cups down and filled it up with water from the bottle you were drinking from. you set the bottle down on the shelf and walked over to jackson. you sat next to him and put him in a position to drink the water. he laped up the water and you felt bad for not giveing him any sooner. once he was done you let him lay on his side again.

      you walked over to you bed and colapsed on it. you took your shoes off and gave your feet some freedom. you layed there for a moment but then slowly closed your eyes and fell asleep.

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My Zombie Apocalypse (Chose your own adventure)COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now