Chapter 26.4: The Door,

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Edwin's Pov

They made me feel like I was a part of a family, I felt some sort of love and security when I would hang out with them. I wasn't alone to fend for myself, or fend for others

Who am I kidding, obviously I was hurt by them leaving and them seeming like they all moved on, without me. As if they were all happy, while I was there sitting alone at our table in hopes of them coming back and us all being a family again.

I was just being an idiot, like always.

With this my legs seemed to have brought me to the place where it all started,

I walked through the doors and saw a figure sitting down. I heard slight sniffles as I slowly walked towards it, taking precautions just in case something were to happen.

"I don't know who you are, but your need to get out of here," I paused as I took a closer look at the brunette-blonde haired male and slightly gasped at the fact that I recognized who this was, "Austin?"

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