I snap out of my mini panic attack and hear thunder crack again. Then I hear an odd sound, whimpering? My gaze snaps to my boyfriend, Sirius', bed. The thunder sounds again and I hear another whimper, a bit louder. This time I can tell its from his bed. I know he doesn't want me to know about this, but it would help my fears too.

I silently climb out of bed and walk to my boyfriend's bed.

"Siri?" I whisper. More thunder sounds, filling the silence. More whimpering. I decide I'm just going to climb in there. He is my boyfriend, after all.

I open the curtains on his four poster bed and gaze down at him for a moment. He's curled up in a ball, hugging his knees, and I can tell he's crying. I crawl in the bed behind him and he stiffens. I snake my arms around his waist and pull him gently to my chest.

"Shh, it's okay baby" I whisper, rubbing his stomach with one hand. Thunder rolls again and Sirius whimpers, hiding his head in his hands. I coo softly at him.

"Oh baby, it's okay" I whisper, burying my head in the back of his neck. Lighting flashes and I breathe in sharply, willing my panic attack to stop before it happens. It works, and I focus on the scent of my boyfriend. Cigarette smoke, cinnamon, mint, chocolate, probably from me to be honest. Thunder rolls again and Sirius whimpers, shaking. I tighten my grip around him.

"It's okay sweetheart, I'm right here. It's alright. I got you. You're not there anymore, they can't hurt you. You're safe here Siri" I murmur into his ear. He softens slightly, turning over to face me. I rub his back, I know that helps calm him down. He buries his head in my chest, still shaking slightly. Lightning flashes again and I hide my head in Siri's hair, trying to and completely failing to stifle a small whimper. Sirius moves his head, making me looking into his big grey eyes.

"You don't like the lighting, do you?" He whispers. I shake my head. He leans to and kisses my forehead.

"He's not here to hurt you anymore, my prince. I love you" He whispers into my hair. I smile, leaning up and kissing him softly.

"Wasn't I comforting you a minute ago?" I whisper, pushing a piece of hair out of his face.

"You're used to not having someone to take care of you, I don't like that" Sirius whispers, moving so my head is on his chest. I chuckle at him.

"You're the big spoon now?" I ask.

"You need it, now hush. Actually, don't. Keep talking, I can't hear the thunder if you distract me" 

I just hum, playing with the ends of his hair.

"What do you mean I'm used to not having someone to take care of me?" I ask. "I'm eighteen"

"Re, you've been fending for yourself since you we're what? Six? You shouldn't have to be strong. You should be able to let yourself cry"

"I do cry, just not in front of people" I whisper.

"Well, you shouldn't be afraid to show your emotions just because your dad is a dip shit"

"How are you any different?" I whisper. Sirius sighs, he probably thought his point was obvious, which it was. I'm just playing dumb so he'll go to sleep.

"I have reg, you're an only child"

"So, Reg is younger than you"

"Yeah, but he gave me someone to talk to"

"True enough, I had buddy though"

"Your dog?"

"He was my best friend for eleven years"

"True, and believe it or not, Regulus is the more level headed brother"

"Who could've guessed, Mr. Sirius 'I have pranking coursing through my veins' Black?" Sirius chuckles at me. A particularly loud sound of thunder bangs, making Sirius go quiet, shaking slightly. I put my arms around his waist, rubbing his back.

"You're okay, shh sweetie you're okay" I murmur. Sirius softens, burying his head in my hair. I feel his soft lips press against the top of my head. He yawns, cuddling closer to me. I chuckle quietly, putting one of my legs over his.

"Go to sleep, baby boy. I got you" I whisper. Sirius nods.

"What about you?" He whispers, clearly concerned about me.

"Ill be fine, love. Ive got you to keep me company don't I? Now get some sleep. I'll wake you up if anything bad happens" I reason with him. He nods again. I lean up and kiss him softly.

"I love you, honey" I whisper, placing my hand on his cheek. He nuzzle my hand affectionately.

"I love you too, Re"


"Always" I kiss him softly, then lay my head back down in his chest, closing my eyes so I don't see the lightning. Thunder rolls again, and Sirius just cuddles closer to me, whimpering ever so quietly. I rub his back, nuzzleing my head further into his chest. He kisses the top of my head again, and I hear his breathing even. I place a small kiss on his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat. I make sure hear completely asleep before letting myself drift off into a somewhat peaceful sleep.


"HOLY SHIT!" I hear someone shout. I jolt awake, falling off if the bed in the process. That wakes Sirius up, he rubs his eyes sleepliy. Both of us look at James, who is standing next to sirius' bed, hands over his mouth. I look to the next bed over to see Peter looking through his wallet. He hands fifty bucks to James and I look at them, curiosity written in my expression.

"Hold the fuck up, you bet on us?" I ask, finally getting up from my spot on the floor and sitting cross legged next to my boyfriend.

"Yes, who wouldn't?"

"What was the bet?" Sirius asks, laying his head in my lap. I run my fingers through his hair.

"Pete said we would catch you making out, I said sleeping" James smirks.

"Wow Jay, that's low. You saw I wasn't I my bed and you knew I was here didn't you?" I ask.

"You, my friend, are correct" Sirius leans to and kisses my cheek. I kiss the tip of his nose.

"I love you, he whispers.

" I love you too" I whisper back.

Forever And Always Wolfstar Fluffy One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now