After a few moments I feel rough hands against my sore neck. The collar is removed, temporarily making the pain stop. The silver collar is replaced by a heavier iron one, at least the pain is less.

"Little freak, weak little freak" My father murmurs, placing a silver rod against my arm. I fight the strong urge to cry out.

"You only call me weak because you know you couldn't endure the pain I go through every month" I pant, opening my eyes. I look my father right in the eyes. He snarls at me.

"If you're so strong why don't you fight back?" He sneers, driving the rod further up my arm.

"Because you're still my father. I cant fight you without regret, and I won't give you the satisfaction of making me feel guilty. Believe me, there's no love, just the most tiny ounce of respect of my kin" I murmur. That throws my father for a loop.

"If you're soo tough and brave, why are you crying like a six year old?" He asks, moving the rod to my leg that is against my chest, Jean shorts are going down to my knees just so he can torture me.

"Do you want me to put a burning collar around your neck then drive a red hot rod into your skin? because I would very well like to" I lay my forehead against my knees, completing my form of a little ball.

"What keeps you going? I obviously don't love you. Who could love a monster like you?"

"I have more people that love me more than any one has ever loved you"

"Who? You're probably lying" My father sneers, moving to my other leg. I twitch slightly.

"Sirius Black" I murmur. My father forces my head up, I wince when the back of my head collides with the concrete of the wall.

"That's a boy's name" He murmurs darkly.

"Yeah, it is. What're you gonna do, torture me more? That boy loves me and I love him more than anything. He has showed me what love means and he taught me how to feel. Things that I should've learned from my father" I spit the word father through gritted teeth. He moves the rod along my leg, burning me the whole way. "All I ever wanted from you was love when I was younger. Now, I don't need it. I have so many people who love me, your words don't effect me anymore. You can try to hurt me all you want, but it won't effect me." I finish, panting from the excessive pain. He finally removes the rod from my skin.

"You can stay here for the night, if you're so brave, little monster" My father sneers, before walking up the stairs and out the basement door. I rest my head against my knees again, thinking about my boyfriend. He doesn't know my father tortures me, and he's going to see the burns that haven't had time to scar on me. Silver burns on werewolves last for like a month and a half. I have so many all over me, but that won't stop me from getting to Hogwarts, my real home.

~Sirius POV~
I wake up with my baby brother snuggled up in my arms, well, arm, his head resting on my chest. I hear my mother coming up the stairs.

"BOYS! OUT OF BED YOU LITTLE SHITS!" She shouts, I hear her heading back down the stairs. Her shout had woke Regulus, but he just hides his head in my neck, whimpering slightly. I rub his back, cooing at him.

"Shh, Reggie, we just have to get up" I whisper, running my fingers through his hair. He sighs, snuggling closer to me. He's just like Remus. I think to myself, chuckling.

"Come on bud" I whisper.

"Buubuu noo" Reg whines, putting an arm around me so I am completely immobilized.

"What about your friends? They'll miss you" I whisper.

"You're my friend" Regulus defends.

"Yeah, but you can hang out with your big brother all the time, people might think your crazy" I whisper teasingly, tickling his ribs with my good hand. He yelps, jumping away from me.

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