"See ya reg" He dissapears into the portrait again.  I tear open the letter,  carefully going over its contents. 

Sorry if he was a jackass,  I told him to be nice.  I love him anyway though.  Good job so far,  my love.  The next one is hard,  but I know you're amazing brain can handle it.  Here's your clue:

"Christmas was everywhere,  but all I did was make fun of prongs' hair"

I have to think for a few minutes before I gasp,  faceplaming.  The Yule ball!  I start waking at a nice pace to the great hall.  I know exactly where the letter is. When I get to the great hall,  I walk to the gryffindor table,  and to my usual seat.  This envelope is different though,  it's shaped like a heart.

"Padfoot you bastard" I murmur to myself.  He did that just so the people at breakfast could see it.  I open the envelope,  a blush creeping up my neck. 

I'm so proud of you!  You're doing great.  I know you're probably mad about the heart shaped envelope,  but that's the whole point of me doing it.  I wanted the school to see how much I love you.  You're amazing Remus.  Absolutely amazing. Now for your next clue:

"I know you love chocolate,  but how do I get it for you when it's not a hogsmead day?"

Love you!,

I smile widely. Heading to the honeydukes secret passage. I wonder what padfoot might have done for a surprise. I mean,  it's our third anniversary.  What hasn't he done? 

Once I'm to the passage,  I open it and walk in.  I crawl in and let my eyes adjust to the dim lighting.  There is one lantern lit,  but it's still dark.  I see an envelope next to said lantern.  I pick up the envelope and lean to against the wall,  ripping open the letter. 

You and your damn chocolate. I swear you will be the death of me Remus Lupin.  I love you more than anything.  Only one more left after this,  then I get to see your beautiful face,  my prince.  Here's your next clue:

"It has its beauty,  I'm sure it does,  but its moonys prison"


I smile.  The shrieking shack.  It does have its beauty,  even if the wolf inside of my loathes it.  I crawl our of the passage way and head back outside. 

Once I get to the wompimg Willow,  I grab a long stick and press the knot on the bottom.  I crawl through the tunnel,  exiting in the shrieking shack.  I walk upstairs,  to the bed in the middle of the room.  I grab the now familiar looking envelope and tear it open,  very eager for my last clue. 

This one will be a bit longer.  Let me spill my heart out for a minute.  I know you're eager,  just read what I have to say.
     Remus,  I love you more than anything I n the world.  You are the peanut to my butter,  the calm to my hurricane,  and most importantly,  the moon to my stars.  You are the most wonderful,  beautiful,  amazing person I have ever met and I am so grateful to have you as mine.  My best friend, boyfriend.  I love you moony,  and don't you ever forget it.  Now for your 6th and final clue:

"I love you to the moon and back,  but where do we observe the stars?"

I smile,  Sirius knows that the astronomy tower is my favorite place in the whole school. I walk out of the shack and walk back to the school.  Once I'm I'm there,  the warm air that hits me in the face contrasts to the chill of the outside air.  I make my way up to the astronamy tower,  smiling the whole time.  Once I'm in there,  a short blur hits me and I feel legs wrapping around my waist and arms around neck.  I put my arms around my boyfriend.  He tilts his head up and kisses me.  I kiss back,  eagerly. We break apart and look into each other's eyes.

Forever And Always Wolfstar Fluffy One ShotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora