Chapter 44

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Thunder rumbled in the distance as lightning bolts crackled in the dark, midnight-black sky and Kyungsoo flinched, pulling away from the window just as more sounds of the thunder sent shivers up his spine. Rain pattered against the window pane and dripped down the glass. The wind rattled the frame of the window and rustled the leaves on the trees, the leaves falling off one by one and littering the grass before they got swept up by the the wind.

Saying that thunderstorms scared Kyungsoo was an understatement. He was fucking terrified. On normal nights, Jongin would've held Kyungsoo tightly in bed when there was a thunderstorm and helped him fall asleep by whispering silly jokes into Kyungsoo's ear to take his mind off of the crackling lightning bolts outside. Now, there was no one to help Kyungsoo fall asleep, so he sat wide awake by the window in the living room.

His eyelids were slowly drooping, but once Kyungsoo felt himself nodding off, he woke right back up. Baekhyun and Chanyeol were sleeping in their bedroom tonight. Kyungsoo felt bad that he had hogged their bedroom for weeks, so he suggested that he sleep on the couch that night, but he couldn't sleep at all. His blanket was wrapped around his shoulders as he crossed his legs above the couch and sat there, curled up in the ball.

The clock hanging on the wall just above the T.V read 1:45 AM. The storm outside had been going strong for the past three hours, and Kyungsoo wondered if it would ever stop. He was tired, but he couldn't sleep with this storm if someone didn't hold him while he slept. He definitely didn't want to ask Baekhyun if he could hug him to sleep, even if it was what they used to do back when they lived together. He had bothered Baekhyun and Chanyeol enough, and he had to stop relying on his friends for support.

Adjusting his pillow up against the armrest of the couch, Kyungsoo laid back down and pulled his blanket up to his chin, shutting his eyes tightly and thinking of something to help take his mind off of the thunderstorm that kept him awake.

The only thoughts that could help him sleep, however, were thoughts of Jongin.


Jongin loosened his tie and rested his head against his office desk in frustration and exhaustion. The morning's meeting with his father and the head of the DGB Financial Group was extremely suffocating and Jongin could barely breathe throughout the whole thing.

Everytime the head of the DGB Financial Group had a sudden interest in Jongin and asked him about his personal life, his father would butt in and explain that Jongin was getting married to the Jung family's youngest daughter, and Jongin had to the bite his tongue to keep himself from blurting that he was definitely not marrying her and that he was in love with someone else.

There had been a huge thunderstorm last night, and the first thing that had come to Jongin's mind was Is Kyungsoo okay? Jongin knew just how terrified the younger was of thunderstorms, so he hoped he had someone to hold as he fell asleep, especially since he wasn't there anymore. But the thought of someone else holding Kyungsoo and helping him through his fears made his insides twist in violently in anger and his fists curl.

A loud rumble echoed through the office and Jongin sighed. He hadn't eaten breakfast that morning and although the food had looked appetizing, it made Jongin feel sick at the same time.

The door to Jongin's office flew open and Jongin lifted his head from his desk to see Chanyeol panting like he had just run across South Korea. "Jongin? I-It's been a long time," Chanyeol stammered, raking his fingers through his unkempt hair. He must've been quite busy this morning.

"H-Hey," Jongin relied dryly, no energy found in his voice. "Haven't seen you in a long time."

"Yeah," Chanyeol said as he took a seat at his desk in the corner of Jongin's office. The room fell quiet again, and it made Jongin uncomfortable. He didn't remember being so awkward with his best friend. "How's your face? You know, after I punched you?"

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