Chapter 30

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Kyungsoo squealed and jumped up and down in excitement, Jongin just laughing at how happy his boyfriend was. "Baby, calm down," Jongin said, but he knew Kyungsoo was definitely not going to calm down. The younger had been excited about this trip for days, and now that it was finally the day that they were going to leave, the smaller male just couldn't keep still.

"I can't," Kyungsoo argued as he proceeded to jump over to his closet to pick out clothes. "I've been waiting for this day for forever! How could I possibly sit still? I'm finally going to go out somewhere that isn't in Korea. Wouldn't you be excited too if you were in my place?" Kyungsoo didn't even wait for an answer before he was scrambling around, carelessly tossing clothes out of his closet and throwing them in the single, ripped suitcase that he had been carrying around for as long as he could remember.

Jongin shook his head when he saw how old and broken the suitcase looked, but he didn't say anything. Kyungsoo had once told him that it was important because his parents had bought it for him, and he wasn't going to have Kyungsoo throw out something that reminded him of his parents.

"Should I take this? No, no. I don't like this," Kyungsoo muttered to himself as he went through all of his clothes. "Maybe I should take this. It'll probably be warm there. But then I have to take the shorts that go with this shirt and the shorts are ugly."

Jongin rolled his eyes. They were going away for only two weeks, but Kyungsoo's suitcase was already half full while Jongin's was almost empty. Actually, Jongin's suitcase was almost as full as Kyungsoo's, but that was only because the younger male had Jongin pack his whole entire closet because Jongin 'needed' lots of clothes.

"Nini," Kyungsoo whined, "I don't know which one to bring. Should I bring this one," Kyungsoo held up a black hoodie with the letters 'DC' on it, "or should I take this one?" and Kyungsoo held up a plain sky blue hoodie. "I think black looks better, right? Actually, the sky blue would look nice with the blue sky in Venice. The blue one works, right?"

Jongin just nodded his head along, not really knowing what he should say or do. He had never really been a fashionable person despite always looking good at business parties or whatever his father dragged him to. In real life, he was that type of person who would normally walk around their apartment in sweatpants and a baggy shirt. Jongin had just gotten used to dressing nicely.

"I think the blue one looks nice," Jongin commented, pointing his chin towards the sky blue hoodie that Kyungsoo still held up.

Kyungsoo turned around and hung the black hoodie back up in his closet. "I thought so too. I think this sky blue one nicer." Kyungsoo folded the blue hoodie and placed it into his suitcase. "Now, I need something to wear for the second week that we're there."

Jongin's eyes almost popped out of his head and he choked on the water he had just started drinking. Kyungsoo's suitcase was more than half full. By the time he had the clothes for the second week ready, he wouldn't even be able to close his suitcase.

"Soo, I don't think you should pack anything else," Jongin advised. Kyungsoo shot him a glare and ignored him. "You won't even be able to close your suitcase if you continue to stuff it with more clothes. Not to mention we'll probably buy lots of clothes there, anyway."

"Be quiet," Kyungsoo scolded. "You just don't understand what fashion is and its importance."

Jongin sighed and set his glass of water down, knowing very well that it was pointless to argue with Kyungsoo. Luck was always on Kyungsoo's side during arguments, so Jongin wasn't even going to test his poor luck.

Hours ticked by and it was almost midnight—the time for Kyungsoo and Jongin's flight. Unfortunately, there was another forty minutes until their flight left and Kyungsoo was still struggling to close his suitcase.

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