Chapter 39

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Eyes as bloodshot as ever, his hair tousled, dark, heavy circles under his eyes, Jongin couldn't look any worse. He had barely even slept a wink the night before, and it was even worse that now he had a headache from the alcohol he had drank the previous night. But Jongin still refused to close his eyes and sleep. He was scared. He was terrified of what he would see if he closed his eyes. Scared of all the nightmares that would follow him, and all those nightmares contained a certain raven-haired male that was currently curled up in Jongin's side.

Jongin's arms tightened around Kyungsoo's waist, holding him so close, yet feeling so far at the same time. No matter how tight his grip on Kyungsoo's waist was, he still thought that the younger would fly away if he let even a single muscle in his arms relax. Surely there would be bruises decorating Kyungsoo's hipbone from the tight grip, but Jongin wasn't willing to let go.

A groan came from beneath Jongin and Kyungsoo wiggled around in his spot before his eyes flew open. Kyungsoo placed a hand to his head as whimpers flew out of his mouth, a major headache keeping him from being comfy even if he were in Jongin's arms. This was his first handover ever, and he didn't like it one bit.

Kyungsoo's head was thrumming, his blood pounding hard in his ears and his stomach churned from the alcohol. The taste of the soju was still fresh on his tongue and his lips were dry and chapped. He gagged slightly when the sudden urge to throw up came over him. If this was what all hangovers were like, Kyungsoo didn't want to drink again.

"Does your head hurt?" Jongin asked, concerned. "Do you need me to get you some painkillers?" Kyungsoo, still half-asleep, didn't say anything and just nodded his head. Hesitantly, but gradually unravelling his arms from around Kyungsoo's waist, Jongin sat up to get Kyungsoo a cup of water and some painkillers.

As Jongin made his way to the kitchen, he passed by the living room and facepalmed. Of course Chanyeol and Baekhyun would still be there. It would've been cute to watch them cuddled up together, if it weren't for the small string of drool that was dribbling down Chanyeol's chin and the awkward position Baekhyun seemed to be in. The smaller male's body was turned on its side with Baekhyun's cheek crushed against the pillow underneath his head, and his right arm was hanging off the edge of the bed while his left arm—which was squashed between the couch and Baekhyun's body—was slung over Baekhyun's shoulders. How someone ended up in that position overnight, Jongin didn't know. For a couple who didn't stay still at all during their sleep, it was a wonder how Chanyeol's arm was still wrapped securely around Baekhyun's waist.

Jongin made his way past the couch where the two messy beings were still out cold, and got a glass of water ready while he tried searching for painkillers for Kyungsoo's hangover.

Kyungsoo was sitting up straight in bed, his back against the headboard when Jongin came back with the items. Handing over the glass of water and the painkillers to Kyungsoo, Jongin watched as Kyungsoo swallowed the painkillers with the help of the water.

"Does it still hurt?" Jongin asked.

The now empty glass was set down on the nightstand by the bed. "It feels a bit better, thank you."

A hand shot up quickly and covered Kyungsoo's mouth, and Kyungsoo was flying out of bed and over to the bathroom before he was vomiting into the toilet bowl. Jongin entered the bathroom and sank to his knees as he rubbed Kyungsoo's back comfortingly, all while trying to blink out the heart-clenching memories of the night before. The sound of his own cries and his tears hitting the tiled floor as he slid down the bathroom door haunted him and had his insides curling painfully.

"I hate hangovers," Kyungsoo whined, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand and standing up to flush the toilet and rinse his mouth clean.

Jongin chuckled half-heartedly. "Hangovers are shit, I know. They suck dick." Kyungsoo hummed in agreement as he spit out the water in his mouth. "Just like you," Jongin added, and Kyungsoo blushed furiously before smacking Jongin across the chest and stalking out of the bathroom. The second Kyungsoo had retreated down the hall and back to their bedroom, Jongin let his fake smile slide off of his face.

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