Chapter 4

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Kyungsoo's POV

I kept running. I didn't know where, but I kept running. Tears blurred my vision, my feet aching and begging me to stop. I didn't listen. And I didn't care about the burning in my lungs as it screamed at me to stop and breathe.

I was mad. No. Frustrated. Angry. Every negative emotion that ever existed. That bastard had slapped me. And he had insulted me. I was poor. And I knew that there were people out there that criticized poor people. But I never knew how much it hurt to have someone say it up to your face.

The worst part was, no matter how much I tried to stay positive, he was right. That bastard deserved to get beaten up, but he was still right. I was a sad human being, who has nothing but a friend, a messed up room, and a job. I was a useless person. A sad, useless, and pathetic and worthless human being.

I finally stopped running when I couldn't stand the pain in my legs and my chest. I slumped down on the sidewalk and brought my legs up to my chest, crying as I curled up in a ball in the middle of nowhere. My clothes were dirty, my cheek still red from the hard slap. My eyes stung with tears, and as much as I wanted them to stop, the tears wouldn't stop flooding out of my eyes.

Worthless. Useless. Pitiful. Disgusting. Pathetic. Ugly. Trash. Those words repeated themselves in my head over and over again. I looked up at sky and pictured my parents. Even though it had been years, I still remembered their faces.

"Eomma, appa," I cried. "Why did you leave me behind? Am I really not worth it? How could you just leave and abandon your son in this harsh world? Do you not love me anymore?!" I screamed at the sky.

I probably looked insane, but I couldn't care less. I wanted my parents back. If my parents had been alive, would I be in this situation? How would my life have turned out if my parents hadn't died? Would I be in University right now? Would I have already graduated? Would I have found a woman to marry and have my own family?

There were tear stains on my face, but the tears had finally stopped. I looked back up at the clear blue sky, not a cloud in sight. The complete contrast of how my heart felt.

"Eomma," I called out. "Would it be ok... if I joined you and appa again?"

Baekhyun's POV

"Kyungsoo!" I shouted. "Do Kyungsoo!" Nowhere. Absolutely nowhere. I should've stopped him from running out, but by the time I had made it outside, he was already gone. I ran home to check there, but he wasn't there either. I had no clue as to where to look next.

Sulking, I dragged my feet back to the coffee shop, worried about where my best friend might be. I pushed open the door to the 'Employees Only' room, and the first thing I heard was the sound of a cup breaking, followed by a shout.

"Where is that bitch?!" My boss yelled. I gulped. My boss had never yelled that loud, and he was a very scary man when he was mad.

I slowly walked behind everyone, praying he wouldn't see me as I went to go change back into my regular clothes.

"Byun Baekhyun!" Well, at least I tried. I took a deep breath and turned around, now facing my boss who's face was as red as a tomato.

"Yes, sir?" I asked, trying not to make it obvious that I was shaking.

"Where's that son of a bitch Do Kyungsoo?! Call him right now and tell him to drag his ass over here!"

"Um, sir?"

"What is it?!"

"Kyungsoo and I don't have phones," I murmured. This was one of those shitty disadvantages to being poor.

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