Chapter 10

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Jongin's POV

I sat on my couch, a glass of wine in one hand, with the remote control in the other. I stared at the flat screen T.V, without actually paying attention to the random show I had been watching.

Instead, my mind was drifting back to Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo, Kyungsoo, Kyungsoo. Everything I saw was Kyungsoo. There was Kyungsoo on the screen of the T.V, Kyungsoo on the couch, a Kyungsoo sitting in my lap, and... Shit there was even a Kyungsoo in my kitchen, with an apron on. That was a huge turn on.

Right when I was about to take another sip of my wine, there was a loud knock at the door, causing me to accidentally spit out my wine. Who the fuck was crazy enough to come knocking at my door at this hour?

I wiped the wine that had started dribbling down my chin, and placed my glass on the coffee table as I stood up and made my way to the door. Right when I opened the door, my face came in contact with a small hand. That was probably the fifth hand that had hit me during the past couple of weeks.

"This is all your fault! I hate you!" Someone shouted at me. The voice was all too familiar. Kyungsoo. I looked up and saw his face stained with tears as more tears leaked out of his large owl eyes.

"Hey Kyungsoo, what-" I reached out to hold his hand, but my hand was immediately slapped away.

"Don't touch me! I hate you! How could you?!" Kyungsoo yelled as he started punching my chest. "I thought we were friends! I thought you cared abut me! How could you betray me this way?! How?! How? How..." His screaming died down as he continued to cry with his head on my chest, his tears soaking my shirt.

"Kyungsoo, look at me." I grabbed both of his wrists and pried him off of me. He started to thrash in my hold.

"Let go! Get away from me!" He started screaming again as he tried to loosen the grip I had on his wrists, but luckily I was stronger than he was.

"Kyungsoo, why are you like this? What happened? Please, look at me. Please!" I shook him really hard, causing him to look in my eyes. His eyes were red and puffy, his beautiful rosy cheeks stained with wet tears. "Tell me what's wrong."

He shook his head. "Why would you care? You did this. My home... My home is going to be gone and it's all because of you!"

His eyes glistened with tears all over again and more tears rolled down his cheeks like raindrops. His home? I suddenly remembered how the company had been planning on getting rid of Kyungsoo's home. I pulled Kyungsoo into my embrace and squeezed my eyes shut, trying not to let my own tears fall.

"Kyungsoo, I'm sorry. Please forgive me, okay? Please. I'm so, so sorry."


I watched Kyungsoo's chest heave up and down with each breath he took. He looked so calm and relaxed, but I knew that he was as far away from those feelings as one could get. I reached up and brushed away the naughty strands of raven black hair that had fallen over his eyes.

Kyungsoo had fallen asleep. He must've been really worn out after running all the way over here and then throwing a fit, so I let him sleep. And on my bed this time.

Suddenly, Kyungsoo started shaking, tears gushing out of his closed eye lids. "Please help. Stop. Stop!"

"Kyungsoo, Kyungsoo!" I shook his shoulders to get him to wake up, but he didn't. I laid down beside him and wiped away his tears. "Don't cry." I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him into my chest. I ran my fingers through his hair, all while whispering sweet consoles. "I'm here. I'm here."

I leaned down and gently placed a kiss on the top of his head. His shaking soon stopped, but I kept my hands around him, liking the warmth he radiated. If only I could hold him the way I was holding him right now, forever. Watching his steady breathing. Kissing him when he needed it, or whenever. Wiping away his tears, and bringing back that smile that seemed to shine brighter than the sun. That smile that could melt even the most coldest, most frozen heart in the world.

There were words that I desperately wanted to say, but I knew that once Kyungsoo woke up, those words would be forgotten. Buried away deep in his mind, never to be remembered, but if this was the only moment I got to say it, then I was going to take this chance to prove my feelings. "Goodnight, Kyungsoo. I love you."

Kyungsoo's POV

I woke up to the sound of birds chirping and the sun shining in through the window. The bed was comfortable, it couldn't be mine. I sat up and looked around. And then it clicked. This was Jongin's room. I must've fallen asleep here last night when I came to...visit. I sat up and looked for the bathroom.

When I finally stumbled upon it, I walked in and took a good look at myself in the mirror. God, I looked like I had just come back from the dead. This look wasn't all that new, but it still scared me from time to time.

I quickly washed up my face so I could leave as soon as possible. I didn't want Jongin to see me like this.

Sadly, I wasn't going to leave that soon. After I left the bathroom, I came across Jongin wearing an apron while cooking in the kitchen. It made him look hot, the way his sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, his face twisted in concentration.

"Oh, you're up," Jongin said, turning around and flashing me that cute and sexy smile of his. I didn't reply and just went straight to the door. "Wait, Kyungsoo!" Jongin ran and grabbed my arm before I could reach the door, but I quickly shook him off and faced him. I wished I hadn't.

His face was full of concern, sadness, and guilt. It made me want to hug him and tell him that I forgive him, because honestly, a part of me believed that he didn't mean to hurt me.

"I know you're mad, and I'm so sorry. But please, eat first." His eyes were pleading, and I couldn't bring myself to refuse. Besides, my stomach was growling and practically begging for a refill.

He brought the food over and we ate in silence, but I knew he was throwing little glances my way.

After a straight five minutes of constantly being stared at, I finally threw down my spoon. "If you have something to say, then say it! Don't stare at me and make me feel more pathetic than I already am!"

"Kyungsoo..." He sighed sadly and put his spoon on the side before standing up and taking a seat beside me. "I'm really sorry. I know I was wrong. I didn't do that because I don't care, because I do. I did it back when we were still... what should I call it? Enemies?

"I just wanted to put you in your place, because I was a bastard and that's what bastards do best." Jongin looked down at his lap and took a deep breath before continuing. "But once we had gotten closer, I tried changing it. Though the thing is, I may be able to command others, but I can't command my dad. And if my dad has his mind set on something, no one can stop him. Not even me, or my mother, or anyone."

I sat there, avoiding his eyes, knowing that if I didn't, I would melt under his gaze. Don't listen to him. Don't listen to him. Don't listen to him. I continued to repeat that to myself, but his pleading didn't cooperate.

"Please Kyungsoo, I know you can't forgive me, but what I said was the truth. I really do care about you, so please can we stay friends?"

Friends. Somehow, hearing that word caused daggers to stab into my heart. I closed my eyes in attempt to keep the tears in. I pushed my chair back and stood up, getting ready to leave. I turned around and walked away, only to be grabbed and spun around once again.

Before I could comprehend what was going on, I felt a pair of warm lips meet mine.


Ayo Hitman Bang introduces 'Hit it' the second audition! Damn. That was cringy, I'm sorry you had to read that! Please forgive author-nim. It had just popped up in my head and ugh.
Yay finally they kissed! But ew I don't like the way it turned out like author-nim, are you okay? Are you even in your right mind? But oh whale. It's fine (not really). But I seriously hope I can write smut soon, because I need some interaction between these two.
Anyway, how is your winter break going so far? If you're having it right now. Because mine is going just great *hint of sarcasm.*
Bye my friends! See you next chapter!

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