Chapter 11

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Jongin's POV

I pulled away the second I regained my senses. Shit, what had I done? "Sorry," I apologized. Kyungsoo watched me through wide owl eyes, barely blinking, his body frozen in place. "Kyungsoo?"

I reached out to lightly shake his shoulder, only for him to pull away. "I-I have to go," he stuttered. Kyungsoo turned away and bolted out the door, and this time, I didn't stop him. I was such a dickhead for letting my craving for his lips out of control.

"Jongin, you are the dumbest bastard in history. Why don't you just go die?" I sighed as I picked up Kyungsoo's unfinished breakfast and threw it out in the trash.

I picked up my plate of bacon and eggs and placed it in the fridge, having lost my appetite. This was just great. He probably never wanted to see me again.

Good going, Jongin.

Why thank you, Jongin.

This was probably the most embarrassing thing I had ever done in my twenty five years of living. I was ready to just bury myself alive, but if I did, then who would help Kyungsoo? I still had to help him even though things were probably really awkward between us. And I wasn't about to give up on him just yet.

Kyungsoo's POV

"What's wrong?" Baekhyun's voice was full of concern.

I stayed silent and continued packing my bags. I really wasn't in the mood to talk about what had happened between Jongin and I. I wanted to be mad at him, or hit him, but instead I had let him. I let him have my first kiss, and the thing was, I hadn't hated it. I had actually kind of... enjoyed it.

I heard Baekhyun sigh. "What are we going to do now? Where will we live? We really will be homeless now, won't we?" Baekhyun mumbled, but I heard him loud and clear.

"We'll get through this, I promise." I flashed Baekhyun a reassuring smile, but my heart wasn't reassured. What were we going to do? We barely had enough money saved up for food and clothing, so how would we find shelter? Living in a tent was NOT an option. And I definitely wasn't going to ask Jongin for help, much less money. That would just completely go against my pride. And I didn't think we were on good terms at the moment.

The air around us was filled with silence, the only sound being the scraping of feet against the wooden floorboard every time one of us stood up to get something that needed to be packed away. As I folded my shirts and placed them in an old, ripped suitcase, my mind was constantly whirring with unanswered questions.

Why did Jongin kiss me? Does he like me? Why did he have to put Baekhyun and I through this torture? What was going to happen to our friendship? What were we going to do now?


Tomorrow. Tomorrow was the day we would be kicked out of our home, no destination in mind for the future. I still hadn't come up with a plan for our future, and my options were being cut down everyday, leaving me with one option standing: Ask Jongin for help. The problem was, I still hadn't heard from Jongin since the day I had ran out after we had kissed.

My heart ached to see him again. Not just because I was ready to give up on my pride and beg for help, but because I missed him. Sounded cheesy, didn't it? I never felt like this towards another person before, much less someone who had secretly been plotting to make me homeless. I wasn't falling for him, was I?

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