Chapter 2

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Jongin's POV

I watched as the boy with the owl eyes went from table to table in the coffee shop. There was something about him that made me want to continue teasing him, but I knew Chanyeol would beat the shit out of me if I ever did such a thing. But I still did something that earned me a big smack in the back of the head.

Chanyeol wouldn't stop ranting about how much of a pervert I had looked back there, but I didn't care. What else would you do if a guy with a perfect ass came up to you in skinny jeans? And no, I wasn't gay, if you were wondering.

"Dude, I really, really..." Chanyeol trailed off. "I really don't know what to do with you anymore," he finished. "I sometimes wonder how I even became friends wth you in the first place." He sighed as he ruffled up his hair.

I just rolled my eyes. Come on, it wasn't that bad, right? I just touched him. So what? Did it even matter? Some people overreacted too much.


I lay in bed, staring up at the ceiling. I hadn't fallen asleep yet, a certain someone taking over my mind. I know we only met today (if you could even call it 'meeting'), but the image of the owl boy from the coffee shop still stayed in my head. He was really cute, if I had to admit.

But I still wasn't gay. I was only appreciating other people's beauty, if that's what it's even called. In English, they called it 'appresheshon.' Did I say that right? Whatever. English was never my strongest subject, anyways.

I sat up in bed and looked at the time on my bedside clock. Four in the morning. Great. I was planning on going to bed early, but here I sat, wide awake at four 'o' clock. I realized there really wasn't any point in sleeping, because I had to wake up for work in a couple of hours anyway.

So, I stood up and walked into the kitchen of my condo and brewed myself some coffee. I could've just went to the coffee shop to get my coffee, but the owl boy probably wouldn't be there at this time of the day.

Oh, well. I'll wait until after to see him again. Maybe, just maybe, I'll be able to get him out of my mind if I see him one last time.

Kyungsoo's POV

"Ow, Baekhyun! Take it easy!"

"I'm sorry! Just stay still!"

"Take it out! It hurts! Why is the damn thing so big?!"

"It's out!" Baekhyun looked at me with a big grin on his face, a piece of wood in between his fingers.

I had gotten a splinter when I was walking in the park with Baekhyun after work and we both thought it was smart to play around with sticks. My only excuse was: It was Baekhyun's idea.

Blood gushed out from the wound on my palm from where the splinter had pierced it. I applied a band-aid on the area where my palm was cut open, and stood up to put the first aid kit away.

"Remind me never to play with sticks with you again," I muttered miserably.

"Come on, stop being such a baby," Baekhyun teased as he lay down on the mattress. I snickered. Easy for him to say. He wasn't the one who had been put through fucking hell because of a splinter. And it hurt. A lot. Like a lot a lot. A lot a lot a lot. Words can't describe how badly it hurt. I thought I would die.

Before I could open my mouth and slap Baekhyun in the face with my words, I let out a yawn. Maybe the whole slapping thing could wait until later. It was four a.m right now, and I had an hour of utmost torture today because of a splinter, so I was pretty beat. I decided to just go to bed. I had to wake up for work later anyways.

I stripped myself of my clothes and crawled into bed, snuggling into Baekhyun's back to give me the warmth the blanket wasn't able to provide.

"I love you, hyung," I whispered after a yawn.

"I love you, too Kyungie," Baekhyun replied, turning around and wrapping his arms around me.

I felt really lucky to have Baekhyun as a best friend. He was weird and annoying most of the time, but he was also funny and caring for others. I saw him as an older brother, and that's how I hoped it would stay.


I walked out of the coffee shop, heading to the convenience store. Ramyeon. Baekhyun had said that he wanted ramyeon. And maybe I should add a few bags of chips along with that.

I couldn't buy things that were expensive. I didn't want to run out of money that quickly, but I needed to buy enough so that we wouldn't go hungry, which was hard at times.

I payed for the snacks and left for home.

While walking, I felt strange. It was like something was burning holes into the back of my head. I turned and looked back. Nothing. I shrugged and kept walking, trying to ignore that strange feeling again as I yanked my room door open and stepped inside.

Jongin's POV

I watched as the owl boy went into a room in a beat up building. Was this where he lived? This place looked like a dump. How could anyone live here? I looked back to the room that the owl boy had previously entered. The door was crooked and it didn't shut properly. The window of the door had been taped with duck tape, for reasons I don't know of.

I was beyond shocked at how disgusting this place looked. I had thought that the boy who had looked like an angel was the owner of a huge mansion, if not a cute two- storey house. But this trash?

I turned and walked away, shaking my head in disbelief. I suddenly felt disgusted with myself. How could I have felt a certain affection for a someone who was poor and had nothing?

He didn't meet any of the requirements I had for future lovers. He didn't have jewelry. He didn't seem to have proper education. He didn't have fancy clothing. And lastly, he didn't have money. If there was one thing that I looked for in people, it was their money. They had to be around my level to even THINK about dating me. Yet, this boy wasn't even close to my level. In fact, he was as far away from my level as one could get.

I pulled the door to my sports car open and stepped in, slamming the door once I took a seat. I rested my head on the steering wheel and tried to clear my soul from the boy. The boy who had been invading my space and mind for the past two days. He hadn't been worth anything, yet I had wasted two days of my life on someone who wasn't even worth it.

I sighed in frustration and started the engine before driving off, not even sparing the owl boy's house a second glance.


It's a much shorter chapter and I'm sorry! But I had a lot planned and I didn't want to shove it all into one chapter because then it would seem like I'm rushing things.
There will be some Kaisoo action soon I'm hoping! Anyways, I'm uploading another chapter later because I just felt like uploading two!
Bye guys! 사랑해요!❤️

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