Chapter 27

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Kyungsoo was staring to lose hope that Jongin would come and save him from this hellhole. It had been days, and it was the day of Kyungsoo's trial, but still no sign of Jongin. Kyungsoo was scared about his fate, but more terrified over Jongin. Jongin could have been hurting and in danger, but Kyungsoo couldn't save him, because he couldn't even save himself.

Kyungsoo had a feeling that his trial was this early because Mr. Kim had requested for it to be done and over with.

Kyungsoo sighed and closed his eyes, resting his head back against the cold, bland wall. There were no blankets in the room, the only thing keeping Kyungsoo warm being his disgusting and plain orange prison outfit, but even the thin fabric did nothing to keep Kyungsoo warm. Shivers ran up and down Kyungsoo's spine and he hugged himself to keep warm.

There was no mirror in the cell for Kyungsoo to check his state, but he was sure that all the colour had drained from his lips. Every time Kyungsoo licked his bottom lip, he could feel all the cracks and teeth marks that he had left in the skin.

Kyungsoo's stomach growled from the lack of food he had consumed, but everything in here tasted bad. There was a plate of food only a few feet away from Kyungsoo, but he didn't want it. The food was cold and tasteless. No one would want to eat that.

All Kyungsoo wanted was to be wrapped up in a blanket while Jongin tried to cook some soup for him, even if Jongin couldn't pull it off and made something completely inedible. He wanted to snuggle close to Jongin's chest and listen to his heartbeat. He wanted to listen to Jongin's deep, sexy, and velvety voice talk about things Kyungsoo didn't understand, but still found fascinating nonetheless.

Kyungsoo's eyes felt heavy with sleep, even though Kyungsoo clearly knew that his sleep wouldn't be quiet and peaceful. Instead, it would be even more tiring and restless, but even so, Kyungsoo felt like he needed the sleep. In a few hours, Kyungsoo would be taken away to his trial. Until then, Kyungsoo could sit here and try to chase after sleep while keeping Jongin in his mind, and his heart.


Jongin slumped down on his childhood bed, frustrated and anxious as he wrapped up his bloody hands in some gauze that he had found in the bathroom that was connected to his bedroom. Kyungsoo's trial was today, but Jongin had no idea what he was going to do to save Kyungsoo and himself. He didn't even want to picture what kind of state Kyungsoo must have been in at that moment. How was he supposed to escape the eyes of the bodyguards when there were bodyguards guarding every single entrance that he could escape from?

"Fuck this shit!" Jongin shouted as he pulled at his hair with his heavily bruised and shredded hands. "What am I going to do?" Jongin kicked at the chair that just happened to be unfortunate enough to be sitting beside him when he was raging. The chair fell backwards and hit the floor with a loud 'THUD,' but the sound barely even reached Jongin's ears before it was completely forgotten.

There was nothing for him to do. He had thought about luring the bodyguards away from the door by pretending that he had escaped through the window, but the bodyguards wouldn't be dumb enough to just assume he had escaped because Jongin had left the window open. They would probably search around his room before jumping to such conclusions, and his room had no good place for Jongin to hide, so that plan was immediately crossed off of the list.

The bodyguards always came in to check on Jongin and hand him food every four hours. The last time they came in was an hour ago, so he still had another three hours until they came back in, but every minute that passed was another minute that Kyungsoo was suffering in that place, and another minute closer to Kyungsoo's trial.

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