Chapter 31

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Hours later, Kyungsoo and Jongin finally arrived in Venice. As the couple exited the airport in Venice, Kyungsoo's mouth hung open.

There were absolutely no roads for cars to drive on—actually, to be more specific, there were no buzzing cars at all. All Kyungsoo saw was water, boats, and colourful buildings with what seemed to be over a hundred windows for each building. People were rowing their boats in the rivers that divided the land, buildings all lined up on either sides of the rivers. The rivers were crystal clear and they rippled gently when a boat passed over the surface of the water. The air was crisp and smelled lightly of smoke from a cigarette that someone was smoking nearby—which had Kyungsoo wrinkling his nose slightly—and of wine and cooked rice from shops around the area.

"Like it?" Jongin questioned as he took in the astonished look Kyungsoo had on. Excitement was written all over Kyungsoo's face as the younger nodded frantically.

"Yes! This place is amazing! It's so pretty!" Kyungsoo bubbled, covering his mouth with his hands as he jumped up and down.

"Come on," Jongin urged as he pulled gently on Kyungsoo's arm. "We need to get to our hotel. I already booked a hotel for us to stay in for the next two weeks."

Kyungsoo peeled his gaze away from a couple who were sitting outside of a restaurant as they fed each other spoonfuls of rice and he followed Jongin. "But how are we going to get there without a car?" Kyungsoo wondered as he looked around.

"You dumb dumb," Jongin chuckled, lightly pushing Kyungsoo's forehead with his index finger and causing Kyungsoo to pout. "We're taking a boat, what else? See that person over there?" Jongin pointed to a person who was in a light brown boat that looked similar to a speed boat but more old fashioned. "I paid that person to be our personal taxi driver for the next two weeks."

Kyungsoo gawked. "You planned all this ahead of time?"

"Yep," Jongin replied casually as if it was nothing—it technically wasn't, considering how filthy rich Jongin was.

Jongin held Kyungsoo's hand tightly as he led them towards the taxi-boat that was waiting for them by the edge of the river.

"Are you Mr. Kim Jongin from South Korea?" the man who was in charge of driving the taxi asked. Kyungsoo blinked, completely confused. He did not understand a single thing the taxi driver had just said due to it being in Italian. Shit, how was he and Jongin supposed to get around if they didn't know Italian?

But surprisingly, Jongin responded with, "Yes, I am Mr. Kim Jongin," in perfectly spoken Italian. Kyungsoo blinked a couple of times to make sure he wasn't asleep and dreaming. He did not just hear his boyfriend speak fluently in Italian.

"And who is the young man next to you?" the taxi driver said as he glanced at Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo felt slightly uncomfortable by the way the taxi driver was staring at him as he talked.

"He's my boyfriend," Jongin answered, again in Italian.

Kyungsoo pretended to be interested at the designs on his shoes, which were just plain white with white laces.

Jongin speaking in Italian made Kyungsoo blush hard. His deep, sexy and silky voice speaking in a completely different language made him feel hot in places he didn't need heat to be in. The way the words rolled effortlessly off of Jongin's tongue while he talked had Kyungsoo's legs turning to jelly as he wished he could have this kind of affect on someone too.

"Kyungsoo?" Kyungsoo blinked a few times to see Jongin staring down at him. "You good? You zoned out."

"Nope, I'm fine," Kyungsoo replied with a smile.

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