Chapter 29

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"Jongin, I'm bored," Kyungsoo whined. "Take me somewhere."

Jongin sighed. It had been almost two weeks since Kyungsoo had been released from prison, and ever since then, Jongin never let Kyungsoo take even a step out of the apartment, not even for a little bit. He was worried that his father would come back for Kyungsoo. His father wasn't going to stop until he got Kyungsoo and Jongin apart, but Jongin wasn't letting his father anywhere near Kyungsoo again. Of course Jongin couldn't stay at home with Kyungsoo all the time, so he made Kyungsoo promise that he would never open the door for anyone that knocked.

"But what if it's you who's knocking?" Kyungsoo had asked.

"I won't knock because I have a key to the house," Jongin had answered.

"But then if you forgot your key at home—"

"I'll call you if I forgot my key so you'll know it's me at the door."

"Jongin, please?" Kyungsoo pouted, latching onto Jongin's arm and batting his eyelashes, something he always did to get Jongin to agree because he knew Jongin couldn't say no to that. "Please, please, please? You can come with me too, okay?" Kyungsoo started swinging Jongin's arm back and forth as he made little whining sounds.

Jongin took a deep breath and let it out in a long, deep sigh before nodding. "Fine, we can go out somewhere." Kyungsoo's eyes widened and he squealed loudly, jumping up and down in excitement.

"Yes! Thank you, Jongin!" Kyungsoo jumped onto Jongin and wrapped his legs around Jongin's waist, his arms coming up to encircle around Jongin's neck. "I love you! You're the best!" Kyungsoo grabbed Jongin's face and pecked his lips over and over again until Jongin started laughing.

"Okay, okay. I love you too," Jongin chuckled as he set Kyungsoo back down on the floor. "But we have to be very careful, okay? None of us are going to wander off and you better tell me if you're going somewhere so I can watch after you."

Kyungsoo rolled his eyes playfully at Jongin. "Yes, dad. Whatever you say," he said, the sarcasm that dripped at the end of his tongue making Jongin laugh.

"Let's go now, because I want us to come back before dinnertime," Jongin stated, grabbing his sweater that had been thrown on the couch earlier and pulling it over his head. Kyungsoo did the same with his—originally Jongin's—sweater that was also on the couch. Kyungsoo unlocked the front door and was about to step out, when Jongin's voice stopped him. "Oh, and by the way, it's daddy to you," Jongin whispered slyly into his ear.

Jongin chuckled, quiet enough for Kyungsoo not to hear, leaving the younger male blushing furiously by the front door.


Kyungsoo rolled down the window of the passenger seat in Jongin's car, shutting his eyes momentarily when he got a face full of the cool breeze. He lifted up his hand and stuck it out of the window and giggled when the wind blew against his hand, tickling his palm lightly. He turned his hand this way and that way, feeling the direction of the breeze.

"Babe, what are you doing?" Jongin questioned as he stared at his adorable boyfriend smiling as he reached out of the window, as if he was trying to capture the wind in his tiny hands.

Kyungsoo smiled as he glanced over at his boyfriend. "This is something I remember doing with my parents before they... you know, died," Kyungsoo said, hesitating slightly. Jongin wished he hadn't asked when Kyungsoo's face seemed to take an abrupt turn and his smile slid off his face. His eyes filled with sorrow and dysphoria, tears making their way to the surface before Kyungsoo forcefully blinked them back.

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