Chapter 33

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A blinding pain sizzled up Kyungsoo's lower back and legs and Kyungsoo gritted his teeth tightly. Now, he really regretted letting Jongin go that rough on him the night before. His ass hurt like hell and it burned so much that tears collected in Kyungsoo's eyes and he had to squeeze his eyes shut to keep them in. He blamed this all on Jongin's dick. It was that stupid genital's fault that Kyungsoo could barely move.

Kyungsoo shifted slightly in bed and whimpered when another unbearable pain shot through his ass, causing Jongin to stir and wake up. The first thing Jongin saw was Kyungsoo's pained expression. Jongin smirked, "I told you, didn't I? I warned you that you would regret it, but you didn't listen and still went against me."

Kyungsoo pouted, jutting out his bottom lip. "It's your fault. I'm blaming your stupid ass dick for my pain."

"I think the correct phrase would be my dick craves ass. And you have no right to be blaming my dick. Blame everything on your horniness." Kyungsoo glared at Jongin and tried to sit up to wash his face, but let out a shrill scream when pain buzzed through his body, slowly tearing him in half. When Jongin heard the scream, he immediately jumped up in bed. "Hey, does it hurt that badly?" Kyungsoo was about to smack Jongin—why wouldn't it hurt? He had been only seconds away from being torn apart—but when he saw how concerned Jongin actually looked, he deflated and sighed.

"Maybe a warm bath would make me feel better," Kyungsoo said, more to himself. Jongin volunteered to get the bath ready for Kyungsoo—not that Jongin had a choice. Kyungsoo most definitely couldn't run the bath on his own.

After a few minutes, Jongin returned, informing that the bath was ready for Kyungsoo. "I can't walk. Carry me," Kyungsoo ordered, holding out his arms for Jongin. Shaking his head, Jongin smiled and carried Kyungsoo bridal style to the bathroom, Kyungsoo's arms wrapped tightly around Jongin's neck so he didn't fall.

Jongin carefully placed Kyungsoo down on the side of the bathtub and helped the younger take off his clothes, muttering apologies here and there whenever Kyungsoo hissed in pain. Once finished, Jongin folded Kyungsoo's clothes on top of a wooden chair with a pastel blue cushion for the seat. Jongin then proceeded to strip himself from his own clothes, which had Kyungsoo watching in confusion.

"What are you doing?" Kyungsoo asked.

Jongin laughed, "What do you mean What are you doing? I'm joining you in the bathtub." Kyungsoo bit his bottom lip and blushed at the thought of sitting in one bathtub with Jongin. Naked. "Oh, come on. We've taken a shower together before. Why so embarrassed about sharing the tub with me? Maybe I should've taken a few rose pedals and thrown them into the bathtub to make it more romantic."

"I bet you if you tried to make our bath time romantic, it would just end with your dick buried in my butthole along with maybe a couple of rose pedals," Kyungsoo bet.

This drew a laugh from Jongin before Jongin picked Kyungsoo up again and stepped into the bathtub, the warm water wrapping around both of their bodies almost immediately once Jongin set Kyungsoo down in between his legs.

"Now this is what I call relaxing," Kyungsoo sighed as he laid back against Jongin's stern chest.

Jongin cleared his throat and tried to reach for the shampoo that rested on the edge of the bathtub. "We should probably wash ourselves. We're both still a little sticky and dirty from yesterday, even though I did try to wipe you clean with that rag."

"You wiped me with a rag?!" Kyungsoo gasped.

"Maybe," Jongin answered sheepishly. Kyungsoo rolled his eyes and muttered Idiot. Leave it to Jongin to use a rag out of everything to clean them up. "Can you pass me the shampoo? It's closer to you." Kyungsoo groaned and gritted his teeth as he reached over to his left side for the bottle of shampoo and handed it to Jongin.

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