Chapter 9

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Jongin's POV

Kyungsoo and I met a few times during the past week. It was always fun, and we grew closer to each other, but I was going to admit, I was always checking the time so that my dad didn't kill me. Honestly, that man needed to chill.

Here I was, sitting on the floor of my condo while Kyungsoo was sprawled out on the couch. Yes, I had invited Kyungsoo over. Ironic, right? I was a little surprised myself with this change of attitude, but if Kyungsoo seemed to like it, I was sticking with it.

"When is your next meeting?" Kyungsoo asked, breaking the silence.

"Um." I checked my watch. "In another hour. Why?"

"Because I told Baekhyun I'd be home when you leave for your next meeting."

I cocked my eyebrow. "Baekhyun knows you've been visiting me?"

"Well, not really. He knows that I made a new friend, but he doesn't know that it's you."

I hummed in reply, and Kyungsoo laid back down on the couch. I shut my eyes and tried not to look. This was honestly making my pants tighter and it was uncomfortable.

Every time Kyungsoo laid back down on the couch, he would spread his legs out. Excuse me, but please keep your legs together for the sake of my sanity.

I opened my eyes, only to see the same thing that I've been staring at for the past half hour. I felt my face getting hot as I got very... very erotic thoughts in my head.

"Jongin, are you sick? Why is your face red?" I looked up to see Kyungsoo staring at me with innocent eyes, but something told me that he knew what he was doing to me. Damn this kid. I internally sighed.

"Nope I'm fine."

"You sure?" Kyungsoo tilted his head to one side, waiting for an explanation.

Why must he do this to me?

Kyungsoo's POV

"You sure?" I tilted my head and watched him as he squirmed uncomfortably under my burning gaze. I stifled a laugh.

Yes, I had planned this. I wanted to see if a part of him still saw me as that pathetic kid from a few weeks ago, but this reaction gave me all the answers I needed.

I was only teasing him. I didn't expect him to get all hard. Yes, I also spotted how tight his pants were getting, which made me want to laugh even harder.

"Um, I-I'm going to go get a drink." Jongin awkwardly stood up, trying to hide the bulge in his pants as he waddled off into the kitchen.

"Get me something, too," I shouted, mentally high diving my voice for not cracking. A small inhumane sound escaped my lips as I buried my face in the pillows on the couch to keep myself from laughing.

Jongin was such an amusing person to hang out with.

"Good work," I whispered and patted my crotch. I was retarded. What was I doing, talking to my crotch? I wondered if Jongin would like guys who talked to their dicks.

Baekhyun's POV

"Kyungsoo, where are you when I need you?!" I screamed into the pillows laying on our mattress.

Kyungsoo had left a while ago while I was at work, saying that he was going to go hang out with a friend. I didn't remember him meeting new people, but I didn't question it and let him go.

Now, I just wanted him to come home. I was having a mental breakdown, and I needed someone to slap me out of it. And no, it wasn't something bad. Just embarrassing. And exciting.

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