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ME| I already know what you are going to ask| And I don't have an answer for you

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| I already know what you are going to ask
| And I don't have an answer for you

| Please just play in the semi-finals hyung

| Why

| Well even with our shitty record with the last couple games we will still have a chance at finals
| We're playing an away game this weekend
| If we win, we'll play the finals next weekend at home!
| So what do you say?
| Let's go out with one last hurrah!

| I don't know
| I have some personal reasons as to why I'm not playing

| Is there anyway you can just throw that shit to the side for a second?

| It's more complicated than that

| Tell me what I can do to help!
| We need you Yoongi hyung
| And there is still a chance for you to play professionally after this
| Scouts are still coming to the games!
| They're asking for you!
| A handful even tried to get the coach to set up an interview
| Others were on the verge of stalking you

| I just don't think I can
| Look...I got into a little bit of trouble

| That's so vague but okay

| I'm just saying that because of this trouble
| I can't really play anymore

| Just think about it please
| I don't know what is going on with you
| But the team needs you
| I need you
| And I want to play at least one more game with you before you leave me forever
| Please??

| Why are all my friends so needy
| And fine
| I'll think about it

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