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I sit nervously outside the cafe as I wait for this random guy to show up. I don't know who he is or what sort of conversation he and Jin really shared about me, but after years of playing basketball it's almost exhilarating to even be talking to someone about having potential. I tap my fingers against the wired black table as I keep an eye out for him.

And when I see him, my mind sort of goes blank for a second.

Kim Namjoon is wearing a long black trench coat and matching black sunglasses that make him appear mysterious. His hair is a silvery sort of shade and he is obviously out of place on campus. He's tall and intimidating, and when I stand to greet him I feel self-conscious about my height. When he approaches me, I can tell he might even be younger than me, and this gets under my skin. He holds out his hand for me to take.

"Min Yoongi?" he asks, and his voice is laced with an odd type of professionalism that I'm not used to.

"Yes, nice to meet you," I manage to say without stuttering like an idiot. We take a seat at the table and he pulls off his sunglasses to reveal tinted lenses inside his eyes.

"I'm Namjoon. I met your friend Kim Seokjin last night at my club. He spoke very highly of you," Namjoon says to me and I smirk. They probably didn't do that much talking. Namjoon was exactly Jin's type.

"I'm sure it was all very sarcastic and over-dramatic," I attempt to joke and Namjoon smiles with dimples appearing on the corners of his cheeks.

"He's interesting, that's for sure," he says with his own little grin. "Don't take this the wrong way, but when he told me you were a bit smaller than most shooting guards I expected maybe an inch or so below the average,"

"Yeah, I get that a lot. But my record proves otherwise," I say defensively.

"True," Namjoon leans back against the chair sizing me up. "I know all about your record,"

"Oh really? What interest do you have in any of that? Jin hyung said you just run a club," I say, and this makes Namjoon laugh a bit.

"I don't just run the club, Yoongi-ssi. I own the club. It's one of three that I own, actually,"

"You seem pretty young to have all that going for you. Meanwhile us old folks are sitting here in calculus classes just trying to make it,"

"We all walk different paths," Namjoon shrugs with an ethereal grin that is almost hypnotizing. I don't know why but it makes me squirm in my seat. "My clubs are...special. As you would know, actually..."

At this remark I let out a sigh. If Namjoon knows about Jin and me taking a bunch of psychedelic pills in the basement of his club, there is no way his friend will want to scout me for anything professional. I might as well end this conversation now.

Namjoon seems to understand my silence. "I know everyone who comes in and out of my establishments, don't worry. It's a small world, don't you think? People always come into your life at very unique times,"

"I guess," I then say. Namjoon has a glassy look to him as if he speaks in riddles often, or like he doesn't always tell the immediate truth.

It's uncomfortable.

Namjoon is also straight to business. He leans forward on his arms and while he looks at me I try not to avert my gaze too much.

"Here's the thing. The scout I know doesn't want any direct involvement. So basically, I'll be scouting you for him more or less. And at the end of the day we all get a cut. You get famous. You run off to join the big leagues. I get my share for being a liaison of sorts. And the scout makes all the magic happen behind closed doors. At the end of your season, he'll scout you officially and send you on your happy way. I'll have your games playing at all my clubs. I'll put your name on uniforms and sell merchandise that goes beyond this silly school. I'll blow up your social media pages with footage and stats. I'll get you noticed. The stands at your games will be packed just to see you play,"

I honestly cannot believe the words coming out of his mouth. It seems surreal. I must have looked like an idiot just staring back at him with my eyes wide. Was I ready for something like that?

"It...seems too easy and too good to be true, if I'm being honest," I admit out loud after letting out a shaky breath. "Sorry for my pessimistic attitude, but I wasn't expecting to have this conversation today. And I don't even know you. How can I trust you? This doesn't exactly,"

Namjoon shrugs again and leans back, then crosses his arms across his chest. "I guess you would rather settle for playing basketball with a bunch of forty-something year olds at your uncle's company next year after graduation?"

I gulp and hope it's not visible. Jin really needs to keep his mouth shut when he drinks...

"This conversation isn't formal. In fact, it's far from it. We won't be signing any papers or passing out names of people behind the scenes. It's a verbal agreement. One that I think you will appreciate once you start seeing results,"

"I need some time to think about this,"

"Your first game is next weekend, right?" I nod at his question. "And how many attendees usually make an appearance?"

"I don't know, a few hundred...if that,"

Namjoon smirks and lets out a low, mocking chuckle. "How about you let me know what you decide after your first game, then? If you like the results, then we'll talk,"

I don't know why, but I find myself nodding at the inquiry. Namjoon stands and straightens his jacket. He looks like someone out of an anime. I half expect him to have holsters with guns underneath that jacket. He slips on his sunglasses and gives me a nod. "I'll be seeing you, Yoongi,"

Watching Namjoon walk away allows a growing, anxious pit to blossom in my chest.

I pull out my phone to text Jin right away.

| You're right

| WHAT???

| He is dom af

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