
381 19 11

"Get your head in the game, Yoongi!"

The coach is yelling for me but I'm distracted. For a fleeting second I find myself staring at the group of younger kids who are watching the scrimmage. I'm used to an audience so that's not the issue. What's bothering me is that Jungkook has his phone out and I swear he's recording me now and not just taking stupid pictures.


His face is sort of different, like he's really focused on what he's doing. While all his friends are smiling and having a good time goofing off together, he seems out of place.

Granted, I don't know shit about this kid, so I might be over-analyzing...


The ball is literally thrown at my chest and I catch it with a huff. I need to focus. We're only down by two and it's time to show off what I got. The newbies on this team need to see who's in charge here. I fake a turn then pass to my friend Jung Hoseok, then dash up the left side. I'm quick. Too quick. Hoseok is distracting the other two before passing it back to me. It's almost too easy. I risk a three pointer and it flies in. Smooth sailing.

I can hear Jin hyung screaming from the stands like he's on crack while everyone else sort of claps and gives some basic praise.

He's so extra.

Even if it's just a simple scrimmage or a full blown out game, a win feels good regardless. I slap hands with my teammates and join them in friendly conversation about the game. We're gross and sweating and out of breath, but I feel alive. We start to head back to showers.

For some reason, I glance back over at the bleachers wondering if Jungkook and his little friends are still there.

But as quick as the game had ended...they are gone.


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