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As Jin requested, we decide to spend another two days at Namjoon's penthouse. We work out in the amazing gym and go swimming in the indoor pool. We schedule messages and lounge around and basically just relax. Namjoon even gave us gift certificates to a nearby spa. Next semester of school is starting soon, and along with that is a series of endless games. During the small hiatus, I also take a break from checking all my social media.

And that's mostly because Jungkook is glued at my side and throws my phone whenever I pick it up.

After a refreshing swim, Jin and I head back up the elevator to Namjoon's floor. Once inside, Jin takes to the shower while I head to the kitchen to make a drink. It's mid-afternoon and we'll be leaving in the morning to travel back to our small lives. Being at Namjoon's really puts some things into perspective for me. I just hope that everything works out after all this is said and done.

Thinking about Namjoon, I glance out the window to see him and Jungkook on the balcony. I start to make my way there before I realize that the sliding glass door is somewhat open. And normally I wouldn't stop to snoop...not at all.

But Namjoon's voice is back to being spectacularly dominating. And it makes me curious.

I stand behind the wall just next to the door and listen.

I don't know why but my heart starts to beat really fucking fast.

"I think you're being greedy," Jungkook is saying this and his voice is timid. I hear Namjoon chuckle and it sounds sinister.

"You aren't in a position to tell me what you think," he snaps back. I hear him flick his lighter indicating he's about to smoke a cigar.

"He's already won ten games. How much more can you possibly make off of him?"

What the fuck...

"And he's going to be playing ten more before the season is over. So why don't you do the math, kid?" Namjoon says. "Ten grand a win. That's a hundred grand in four months, plus another hundred more by the time we're done with him,"

"This just doesn't seem worth it to me," Jungkook is speaking but it doesn't even sound like him. His voice is shy and seems scared...submissive, even. "The risk is way too high for you. Everyone knows you are involved now. You haven't exactly been careful about being seen with Jin hyung. Everyone knows that he and Yoongi hyung are best friends. This is going to blow up in your face before you even finish,"

"Why don't you shut the fuck up, Jungkook?" Namjoon scolds.

I can feel my chest tightening with chronic anxieties. Is Namjoon betting on me?

And is Jungkook involved?

My fists tighten at my sides.

"I'm sorry,"

"Don't be fucking sorry, you annoying little shit. Just do your part. Don't make me remind you about what's at stake here," Namjoon spits. I can practically hear Jungkook cowering in submission at his words.

I wish I could say that I just walked away and continued to live out my dream. I wish I could say that shit didn't hit the fan, but I'd be lying.

I come out from around the corner with my fists shaking and my heart racing so hard I thought it might explode. I swing open the glass door and am met with two sets of eyes.

I see Jungkook's jaw drop at being caught. And I see a sinister glow in Namjoon's eyes.

"I should have never fucking trusted you!" I immediately scream.

"Yoongi...calm down," Namjoon immediately reacts with a cool demeanor, as if he doesn't care.

"You're making money off of me? Are you betting on me at your stupid fucking club? Is that why you are so set on me winning?!" I roar. The space is small but Namjoon doesn't hesitate to step towards me. I back into the penthouse willingly, my eyes never leaving his. "Everything you said was a lie, wasn't it?? All of this shit is a fucking lie!"

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