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Jin hands me another pint of ice cream and settles on the couch next to me. I throw the soft blanket over his legs and he snuggles a pillow. It's mid-afternoon and I should be in school but I haven't been able to move in four days. I emailed my professors and told them I was sick, along with my coach. The news is not being well received, but I don't care. Together, Jin and I wallow like we're a bunch of teenage girls crying over their first break up.

"Have you checked your phone?" Jin asks.


Jin is scrolling through his phone and through my social media pages for me. People are posting and messaging me that they hope I feel better, apparently. Again, I don't care. Who are they, anyway? At the end of the day it doesn't mean anything. They don't mean anything.

I eat more ice cream.

It reminds me of Jungkook. I spit it out.

"Are you really not going to play anymore?" Jin then asks softly, his eyes glued to his phone. I let out a dramatic sigh with my whole body.

"I'm done, hyung. I'm not going to play just for Namjoon to make money off of me,"

"I'm more worried about what will happen if you don't play,"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, he'll be losing money, right? If you aren't playing and aren't winning the games then he'll be losing his bets or whatever," Jin says. "I guess I'm worried about how he'll retaliate,"

"So what? Maybe he just won't make anymore bets again me. Or maybe he'll just bet with the team, and not be individually," I say back.

"I doubt it. You are his future star, remember?"

I shudder at the words that I had originally found on the box. It is one piece of the Namjoon puzzle that I have yet to figure out.

"If he wants to come after me he can. I'm not worried about my fame anymore, and if all of this gets out and it ruins my name, then fuck it," I pout and fall back further into the couch. "I don't care,"

"Let's hope he doesn't murder us," Jin says casually. As much as I wish to admit to Jin that he's over-reacting, there is a strong part of me that hopes he doesn't murder us as well.

I see Jin smirk from the corner of my eye and I move my head towards him.


Jin holds his phone out for me to see.

Jin holds his phone out for me to see

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

I roll my eyes. "I hate that you still talk to him,"

Jin shrugs. "He feels bad. Just look at that cute little face,"

"He should feel bad. He's disgusting," I say even though it hurts me to do so. "I thought what we had was real and that he cared about me, and it turns out that he was just literally with with me to get money from Namjoon,"

"How do you think I feel??" Jin blurts. "I was SLEEPING with Namjoon!"

I don't know why but this makes me laugh. It starts out as a slow chuckle but migrates into something extravagant. It's the first funny feeling I've had in days. My head falls on Jin's shoulder. "Thank you for not being a part of that nonsense. Thank you for still being my friend,"

"Of course," Jin puts his head on my head and we sit like that for a while and watch reruns of Friends. "I guess next time we'll just do background checks on the guys we date,"

"Sound like a plan,"

ICE CREAM [ completed ]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن