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Needless to say, I don't get any sleep.

By the time 6am rolls around and I go for my jog, I am already delirious and unstable with tiredness. I don't know why I let this kid consume my head the way he does. But it's too strange, and too coincidental. It's only been a week and a half and Jungkook is seriously the biggest distraction I've ever had in my entire life.

Maybe I'm worried...

It's hard to tell. I don't tend to worry for people, and I don't want them to worry for me. I usually take things with a grain of salt and a big shrug of my shoulders. Shit happens, and then we get over it and keep on breathing. I've had friends and boyfriends come and go, and I've been with them through their own struggles with growing up. But there has always been a small void in my if some part of me is uncaring, or undeserving.

My jog feels like eternity. I'm not even sure if I made two laps before I end up back at my apartment. I grab my books for school and decide to walk the rest of the way in hopes of waking up a little more.

I check my phone on the way -- Jungkook hasn't viewed my messages at all.

When I reach campus and head to the gym to clean up before classes, I pull out the strange Polaroid from my pocket and give it another look. I sigh heavily, feeling some sort of imaginary weight on my shoulders that I didn't even know could exist. Staring at this picture is like trying to solve some stupid puzzle in a video game. It has to mean something, but what?

I pull a bandanna under my ruffled black hair and get dressed in normal attire, then throw the rest of my stuff in the locker.

I accidentally fall asleep in my first class. I'm only awoken because I forgot to silence my phone and it's going off like crazy. Eventually the professor gives me a scolding glare and I excuse myself to go outside. The sun hits my eyes annoyingly as I cover the screen with my hand to view the messages.

| I need to tell you something okay
| I met this guy last night and apparently he's the owner of that club we went to
| We were having drinks and flirting or whatever
| And he nonchalantly mentions that he has a friend who is scouting for talent
| Well, me being the AMAZING hyung I am
| I gave him your info and arranged a meeting for you!
| I told him you would be at University today
| So meet him at the campus cafe around 2pm okay??
| HELLO!!!

| Fuck hyung
| I'm in class

| Do you not see what I just did for you??

| Tell him I will be there
| What's his name?
| What does he look like?

| He's a total dom
| Obviously sexy af

| Lord have mercy...

| His name is Kim Namjoon
| Here's a picture

JIN HYUNG| Good luck!| And don't be super cute to him| Or sleep with him | Bc I'm tryna smash

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| Good luck!
| And don't be super cute to him
| Or sleep with him
| Bc I'm tryna smash

| What does he have to do with his friend who is scouting?

| I don't fucking know
| It's not like I wanted the entire conversation to be about you!
| Ask him yourself!

| Dick

| Love you too!

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