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Classes start in less than a week. Eventually, I'll practically live at University. Between school during the day and basketball practice in the evenings and study hall after that, I might as well set up a tent outside in the field and sleep outside for the rest of the semester.

I get up early today. Throughout the summer I let myself sleep in and be extremely lazy, but I don't have an issue getting back into the mindset of preparing for basketball season. I go for a really short jog around my block twice just to get the muscles flowing. I'm not ripped by any means, but I'm fast. And the jog is refreshing. By the time I gather my books and gym bag, the sun is barely breaking through the horizon.

I grab a coffee and egg sandwich from my favorite cafe before deciding to walk the rest of the way through the city to the school to meet up with Hoseok.

I grab a coffee and egg sandwich from my favorite cafe before deciding to walk the rest of the way through the city to the school to meet up with Hoseok

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| Be there in ten

| Guess who else is here

| God?
| Fifteen sporting scouts that want to sign me professionally?
| Martha Stewart?

ME| Why the fuck is Jungkook at the gym??!| Tell that little weird shithead to go home and get in bed

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| Why the fuck is Jungkook at the gym??!
| Tell that little weird shithead to go home and get in bed

| He keeps asking when you are going to get here
| He's hella hyper...

| He's being clingy and weird

| I think he likes you hyung!
| It's about time to move on anyway, don't you think?
| He's cute 😉
| He won't stop talking though
| Still talking...
| Still talking........
| Oh god help me

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