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Jungkook has not missed a single practice.

He just sits there in the bleachers with his phone either recording me or snapping photos. Some of the videos make it on his snapchat story, which I only started watching because...well, it's me on there.

It's still really weird.

I think he gets a kick out of me watching his stories now. I hate to admit this but Jin and Hoseok are right...I think this kid has a crush on me. And honestly, I'm just not really sure how I feel about that just yet.

So I'm not going to think about it at all.

After practice, I take a long shower in the washroom at school. By the time I leave my hair is still sort of wet, and I welcome the evening breeze. Fall seems to creep up on me when least expected, but the chill is nice. I take a seat on a bench right outside the main gate of campus and wait for my uber. I stick in my headphones and just as I'm about to hit play, I notice something strange in one of the parking lots nearby.

Two people with hoods up are talking frantically by a car. I'm not sure they see me because the area is sort of expansive, but I can't help but watch the interaction. One is slightly taller than the other and seems more heated. I get a bad feeling in my stomach as the conversation gets louder. I can't hear what they are saying but there is no way it can be good.

Before I can react to anything else, the taller reaches out and wraps his hand harshly around the others throat, and he's pushed back against the car.

"Oh fucking hell..."

I scroll through my phone as quick as I can to try and find the emergency number for the campus. I'm not ashamed to admit that suddenly I am nervous as fuck. Between scrolling through my phone I look back forth between the screen and the argument.

It's all too quick.

The taller gives another shove to their opponent and that's when I see the hood fall off his head. And it's no one other than that little bratty piece of crap Jungkook.

"You've got to be kidding me..."

Everything comes to an end abruptly thereafter.

Jungkook is shoved one last time against the car then the taller slides in the drivers side and pulls away harshly. They haven't seen me at all, and I gather my bags and run over to Jungkook.

"Are you okay? What the fuck was that??!"

Jungkook is holding is throat and is surprised to see me. His eyes go wide at my sudden presence.

"Hyung...!" he coughs a little, then waves me away. "I'm fine. No big deal!"

He smiles next and I'm beyond confused.

"That was no big deal? No big deal? That guy could have killed you!"

"What? Him? Nah, he wouldn't," Jungkook is acting too cute and casual, and for whatever reason it frustrates me beyond belief. "I'm glad you care though,"

"What?" I shake my head dismissively.

"You care enough about me to try to save me! I told you that you are my hero!" Jungkook is laughing childishly now and pulls out his phone to text someone nonchalantly. Then he turns towards me and snaps a photo.

"I gotta go!" Jungkook smiles cutely and spins to walk away, his fingers on his phone as he goes to post the picture

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"I gotta go!" Jungkook smiles cutely and spins to walk away, his fingers on his phone as he goes to post the picture.

"Jungkook!" I call after him and he only turns his head as he continues to walk. He waves and pays me no mind. I watch him waddle a bit down the sidewalk towards the main gate, and then a car filled with some of his little friends practically hops the curb and Jungkook jumps inside.

And then he's just gone.

It's so fucking weird. I stand there dumbfounded at what just happened for a moment. What is wrong with this kid?

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