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After hitting the showers and changing into normal clothes, I throw my gym bag over my shoulder and head outside. I slap hands with some teammates as I go and say casual goodbyes, continuously congratulating them on our victory. My adrenaline is still pumping. Though my legs are sore and I'll definitely need a day of rest after the intensity of the game, I can't help but think that this is all worth it.

I hope this feeling never goes away.

There are a lot of people still milling around campus even though it's late into Friday night. I navigate through them and walk down the nearest parking lot towards the campus gates looking for Jungkook. I don't know why but...there is something in me that is excited to see him. Unfortunately it is equally as bothering. How did this annoying kid manage to impact me the way he has been doing recently? At first I was convinced he was the one who had a stupid, schoolboy crush on me yet...

On my end it's almost impossible to ignore at this point.

I'm guarded. I have walls surrounding my heart and I don't want anyone to bust through. Especially after my last break up. My plan was to finish my senior year of college and graduate, get out of the school setting and into the real world. Then I'd worry about settling down and dating again. It made the most sense to me after we broke up and it makes the most sense to me now.

I convince myself of this as I continue to walk. Yet those mature thoughts are short-lived when I see Jungkook leaning against a car looking the way he does and well...

...all sense sort of just flies right out the window.

Because he looks good.

Like really good.

I adjust the large bag on my shoulder and he lifts his head up from his phone as I approach. He smiles with all teeth and I can't help but smile back.

I'll blame this reaction on the adrenaline from the game.

"Hi!" he chirps and slides his phone into his pocket to give me attention. He's wearing black jeans and a red and black striped sweater with his hair sort of flipped up and styled in the front. "Congrats on your win!"

I can't find my voice at first so I just shrug and nod in a somewhat cocky way. I wish I could say that Jungkook simply hands me whatever gift he decided to get for me and we go our separate ways, but this of course is not the case.

Jungkook starts to babble about the game in detail as if he's the biggest fanboy in the world.

"...then WHOOSH! Hoseok hyung's elbow hit that guy RIGHT in his chest!" Jungkook is acting out the scene dramatically while running around the area of the parking lot.

Hoseok was right..he is a hyper little thing.

"BAM! Down he went. Did you hear the boos from the other team? Such babies! He might have gotten a penalty for it but it was so worth it!"

I find myself smiling at his reenactment of the highlights from the game. I'm surprised that he remembers so much. His lingo and attention to detail from the game is actually impressive. He knows every single stat and the names of all the players, and he talks about all of us like he's known us his whole life.

I don't really think anything of it and find it charming.

After he's done literally reviewing the entire game with me (as if to make sure that I knew he was paying attention throughout it), Jungkook reaches into the backseat of the car and pulls out a little white envelope and hands it to me. I drop my bag on the ground and look down at it then back up at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Is this even your car?" I pry.

"I'm borrowing it. Open your gift!" he says smugly. Reluctantly, I peel open the envelope and pull out a card. This is not an adult card. It's a children's card that says "Congrats!" with small teddy bears and balloons and glitter, which gets all over my hands. I don't realize it but I'm smiling like an idiot at how stupid and precious it is at the same time, and Jungkook has his phone out and is taking a picture.

I open the card and there is a thin piece of paper resting inside. It's hand drawn to look like a fancy coupon of sorts. It says:

"Valid for ONE ice cream date with Jungkook! Expires on the last game of the season!"

It's the most obnoxious thing I have ever received in my life.

"How is this a gift exactly?" I hold up the flimsy paper that looks like it was made in less than three seconds.

"Well, I keep asking you to get ice cream with me and you never want to! So now if you are ever feeling like getting ice cream then we can go on your time! My treat!"

"This says, 'date'..." I eye him suspiciously.

Jungkook shoves his hands in his pockets and bounces on his heels for a second. I can see him attempting to hide a blush as he becomes shy. His bunny teeth give him away. He doesn't answer me.

I fold the card back up and put it in my bag, then fling it back over my shoulder. "I'll see you later, kid,"

"Need a ride?" he then asks. I scrunch my nose.

"Is it safe? Do you even have a license?"

"I'm not a kid, Yoongi hyung!" Jungkook reaches out to open the passenger side door. "Come on, please?"

I roll my eyes and try to hide my own grin, though it's difficult. I don't know why being around the younger in person makes me feel this way. Every time he sends me a message I find my blood boiling with annoyance, but seeing him in the flesh with that big, stupid smile makes my chest flutter in a really frustrating way.

I sit with my bag on my lap while Jungkook runs to the driver's side and gets inside.

"Please don't kill me," I mumble as he starts the car, and his only response is a cheesy smile back.

"Buckle up, hyung,"

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