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It's slow motion as the ball bounces from the floor and back into my hands. The roar of the crowd sounds like distance echoes against a mountain. I am undisturbed and fluent in my motions, my eyes solely focused on the ball and my movements. I hear the steady thump of my heart and feel the heat in my muscles. I dodge swiftly to my left and jump, my legs taking me into the air and navigating me through several sets of arms that only wish to see me fail.

The ball rebounds from the backboard and drops easily into the basket.

The crowd's cries come back into recognition and time seems to rejuvenate. I also come back to reality and slap hands with my teammates as the buzzer chimes to indicate the end of the first half. I'm drenched in sweat and my blonde strands stick to the sides of my face. I glance out to the stands to see each and every seat filled with excited fans. I wave at a set of fans holding a sign with my name that is dowsed in glitter and streamers. Everyone is shaking foam fingers in the air and chewing on terrible food, and confetti is thrown as members from both teams escape into their locker rooms.

We are up by ten and the opponents are playing well. I know they can catch up at any time but there is something deep inside of me that is unafraid. I know we will win.

In the lockers I pull out my phone and chug half a water bottle to keep myself hydrated. I see messages from Jin that are overly excited as usual and his snapchat stories indicate he is having a good time with Taehyung in the stands. I'm happy for him...one of us deserves to be happy.

I scroll to my friends stories and deep down I'm hoping to see the famous shaky fancam from Jungkook recording me like he used to when we first met. But sadly enough his story is vacant, and there hasn't been anything posted in days. I feel a burn of discouragement in my chest.

Did he not come when he said he would?

But also, why should I care?

The coach is starting a pep talk but my head is elsewhere. My emotions for Jungkook vibrate from amazingly strong and sincere to horribly doubtful and insecure. I wipe the towel down my face and stare into my locker while he runs carelessly through my mind. It's moments like these where I know I'm kidding myself in believing he doesn't impact me, or that I don't care about him.

I know I do.

I know I still do.

| Have you seen Jungkook?

| No

| Can you ask Taehyung?
| He said he was going to come today

| He said he doesn't know
| His location is off on his snapchat account
| He's not sure what he's up to

| Alright
| Can you just keep your eye out for him?

| Why, what's going on??

| I don't know
| I have a shitty feeling
| I'm not sure...
| It's probably nothing

| Play well!
| We're rooting for you!

JIN HYUNG| Play well!| We're rooting for you!

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