XXI. Augustus to the rescue

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Chapter 21

As soon as Augustus heard what his rival just said which was ''Clementine needs you,'', everything changed. Suddenly, he forgot about his anger and jealousy.

Augustus stared at Leo with horror in his eyes and asked, ''Why, what happened?'' His voice was full of concern.

Augustus can tell something definitely is wrong because he has never seen his friend sweat like this for ages, and Augustus can spot a tinge of panic in his face and on how fast he talks.

''Something's wrong with Miss Martha so we came for your help for I know you know how to handle this kind of emergency,'' Leo hurriedly answered, not stopping a breath.

''Who is Miss Martha?'' Augustus questioned, his brow raising. He doesn't know a woman named Miss Dolores in his household. Although he is still willing to help not only because he wants to impress his Clementine but also to test his ability.

Augustus instantly knew Leo's not happy about what Augustus just said for he gave Augustus a how-come-you-don't-know-her stare.

'Well, sorry mate for not memorizing every single living soul in this household. Forgive my stupidity, mister-know-it-all,' Leo desperately wanted to scream to Leo but chose not to for he knows this will only lead to strife.

Nevertheless, Leo chose to answer him, ''Miss Martha's a friend of Clementine so just zip your damn mouth and help us,'' his arms crossed.

''Nonsense, brother. Lead the way,'' replied Augustus, his hands inside his pockets.

Somehow, Augustus doesn't seem bothered at the fact Leo just told him to shut up. He's bothered at what Leo just called his Clementine. Just Clementine now, huh? What happened to his formality? Oh, no, he's not only bothered, he's furious.

Augustus only managed to sweep his anger for a moment when he realized Leo's already gone.

'This is truly an emergency, huh.' Said Augustus, as he began running towards Clementine's chamber.

After asking his damn friend for some help, Leo immediately went to his room to get his first aid kit which is hidden inside his wooden closet.

''Thank God I didn't leave this at the barracks,'' exclaimed Leo as he began running downstairs towards Clementine.

Due to panic, Leo almost fell down the stairs a couple of times while on his way to Clementine. Leo seriously wants to punch himself for acting so foolish, he's a soldier for Pete's sake. Why is he acting like a child in a situation like this? He faced more serious situations than this. Heck, he almost got killed out there.

Then, that's when Leo realized that only one girl is responsible for this, for how foolish he is now, and that is no other than Clementine.

A woman can truly bring out the weak side of a man.

By the time Leo reaches the maids' chamber, Augustus is already there, kneeling to Miss Martha, checking her up with Clementine beside him who is constantly biting her nails.

Leo can say that if only this is not a situation to laugh or to joke, he would definitely chuckle at how cute Clementine looks when she's nervous.

Leo just stood behind Clementine and Augustus, his hands behind his back as he watched Augustus checks, Miss Martha. Leo must say, he never saw his friend like this, so focused.

Augustus then look around him, let out a groan and suggested, ''For Christ's sake, let's lift her up to the bed, okay?''

As soon as Augustus said that, Clementine rose from her seat, ready to help. ''Oh, no need for you to help, Clementine,'' said Leo.

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