VII. can we please stop meeting?

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Chapter 7

"I saw what you did last night, Clementine. You shouldn't have done that."

The day is still young. Miss Dolores and I are once again here in her beautiful bedroom in which we can talk about classified things.

And yes, I am here dilly dallying instead of working my ass off like everyone is doing. Is it bad if I feel like sleeping all day?

"Done what?" I asked, brushing away my shoes and slumping into her very comfortable bed.

The sound of my oxford shoes falling to the floor made my ears ache.

"You know what I mean, Clementine." eyeing me from the corner of her eyes as she slowly brushes her curly blonde hair.

I cannot help myself from feeling a bit envious because ever since I was a child, having curly blonde hair is all I want. I am so sick of having dark hair.

"Believe me, I've never been confused in my eighteen years of existence," I replied, snorting which made me earn a raised brow from her.

"You are having a rendezvous with Mr. Finley," she answered, which made me more confused.

"W-wait, what? First off, there was no such thing as rendezvous last night for your information and second, as far as I know, it was Augustus Bennett who turns out to be a jerk whom I stumbled upon last night," I explained, sitting up in her bed, creating more crease which I hope she doesn't mind.

"My dear, Augustus Bennett is blond and from what I saw last night, the guy whom you met last night has dark hair," she replied as she continued brushing her hair.

"So you're telling me that the guy who I thought as Augustus Bennett, the son of Douglas Bennett is actually not Augustus?" my eyes widened at that realization.

I don't know whether I should be thankful or what.

"Fortunately, yes. That dark-haired guy was actually Augustus' childhood friend. Finley is a known soldier." then released a laugh.

"The Bennett family invited Mister Finley to stay in this house as he waits for his military call," she added.

Suddenly, I remembered the annoying slash handsome guy that I met yesterday. Ya know, annoying guy who screamed at me as if he owns this place.

Well, Clementine, he does, in fact, owns this place.

So anyway, that was Augustus Bennett and this awkward guy was actually a friend soldier. Goodness.

I must've looked like a fool when I told the awkward guy last night who was actually named Leo Finley that I don't care if he was Augustus.

No wonder he looked really confused as hell last night.

That's it. The two of us shouldn't cross our paths unless I want to destroy my dignity.

Plus, he's a soldier which only means in just one blink, he can kill me. Shoot!

But that seems a bit weird, a Victorian man having his personal butler but I guess it's just the way it goes here. I am in no place to question anything.

"Mr. Augustus Bennett and Mr. Leo Finley have been friends since God knows when. That is why when Mr. Finley's father died, Mister Finley had no choice but to work as a soldier despite his dream of becoming a priest," Miss Dolores informed me.

Suddenly, I felt bad for what I've done towards Leo. I've lost count of how many times I rolled my eyes at him.

"Anyways, you shouldn't have let him carry you. That is absolutely inappropriate, touching you with his hands," she added, giving me a disappointed look.

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